Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sara Sturm
MISSING THAT FINAL BIT OF EAR CANDY? Take your song from good to great with keys, lap steel, or acoustic instruments ✨
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Shimon Tal (Lasimo)
I do all my own writing, arranging, recording, mixing & mastering. Just recorded a song with Puntin & ESG.
Our aim is knowing all the rules of our world at the best and then break them!
I am a full time cellist in the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and have been doing recording sessions for a decade alongside film sessions in London for cinema and video games. I have worked with various artists in different genres and work efficiently.
I'm a professional audio engineer specialised in location recording, production and streaming of classical music. My academic career includes computer science applied to music, classical piano and audio engineering, that I studied in Paris, Milan, Novara and Pittsburgh. Recording is a research to carry on with the sensibility of each musician.
Radio-ready writing and production sensibilities, paired with underground and DIY roots for an unmistakable edge. Working remotely and specializing in alternative, rock, indie, pop punk, emo, etc.
a shelter for the loners and outcasts. If you are struggling with defining your genre, you are more then welcome
Recent Successes
"Ellae was great to work with. She's got an amazing voice, and really took the time to understand what I was after. Great communication and high quality results. Highly recommend!"
"It was a great experience working with Andres. First time I've had the opportunity to have the sort of mix coaching provided here, prior to mastering. And very pleased with the outcome: a splendid sonorous result. Hig..."
"Delivered very fast, and very happy with the work Qbical does. Would highly recommend!"
"Tim always delivers quality work! this isn't my first time working with him, I continue because he's a quality singer and human being. classy and talented! i highly recommend him for any project, especially country mu..."
"Always such a pleasure working with Andres! Really enjoy his masters and professionalism"
"Ivy is a complete professional; she has a powerful voice that really shined on my track as a producer! If you love her samples then you'll love working with her. She has a fast turn around time and is great with revis..."
"Little delayed on communication at first probaly had tons of songs to mix but at the end of the day Tyree T. payed sattention to detail & delivered superb quality music !"
"Gerard is a legendary engineer. The attention to detail is a gift every second seems like the acoustics is always perfect. Of all the engineers I have worked with hands down his mixes are beyond any engineer I have wo..."
"As usual Elliot executed an excellent mastering of my latest single "