Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with santto
Your unique sound, perfected.
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ELITEmusical Empresa con 30 años de experiencia dentro del mundo de la música, con distribución oficial de más de 20 marcas y servicio técnico propio. Nos dedicamos a la venta de Instrumentos musicales aunque también ofrecemos diversos servicios al usuario como: • WEB: Con más de 22.000 artículos ONLINE para el músico con distribución en exclusiva
I am a mixing and mastering engineer located in Berlin. In my free time I like to do some cheap but qualitative mixings and masterings! If you would like to get a good sound that isn't too expensive, I am your man! I have been doing this for 9 years now and primarily focus on Hip Hop, but I am open for other music genres as well
Thanks for visiting my profile. Mixing engineer for both sides, studio and live. Also work as technical production manager.
"Naras (Grammy Pro) & Laras (Latin GRAMMYs) voting member" 18 years of experience as a music producer, composer, arranger, session musician, recording, mixing and mastering engineer, also as an audio editor and sound designer. "My approach - Compose Music"
Need a fire song? Commercial Reggaeton , Trap Latino , R&B, Trapeton? Contact me
Hi! I'm Facundo Pomarada a Mixer/Mixing Engineer. My main goal is to help emerging artists by making their songs sound as good as mainstream pop hits heard all around the world.
Singer and Songwriter
Recent Successes
"This is my fourth project with Shrai. Listening to it without headphones really doesn't do it justice. The sound scape that Shrai has created kind of dances between the ears. Truly inspiring! I have already started th..."
"Nate is unbelievable. He instantly knew my sound and was a pleasure and easy to work with. He sent me tons of options to use in my mix, and gave me a great drum mix out the gate. Highly recommend him and we will be..."
"I needed a cello for a song I'm working on for a client. Found Rachael's page and said to myself „Yes this is the one for the song“ So I contacted her, told her the story behind the song since it's sung in Icelandic ..."
"he did great work i would hire him again"
"I tried a few different folks to mix and master my new EP and Yoad was far ahead the best. I came to Soundbetter hoping to find someone just like him and I did! Next time, I'll hire him for to mix and master my enti..."
"Fast turnaround, excellent results - I’m very pleased with how my track sounds. Rob was easy to work with, responded very quickly with feedback and revisions, and most importantly, did a great job."
"This is the third song I've used Waltz for mastering services. Tom always brings a nice x-factor sound to the track and gives me the confidence that a song is ready to be released. Great communicator and always super ..."
"Great work! "