Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Santiago Mitre
I play what the song really needs. I have a broad understanding of how a groove can make the song even greater. When I design the drum parts or produce a music project, I have three words in mind all the time: Solid, Simple and Creative.
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Audio Engineering Company Specialized in Audio Mixing, Mastering, Post-Production, Network Audio, Audio Streaming & Broadcast Audio Processing for Internet Streamers & Studio Design. Proving State-of-the-Art Services and solutions.
Professional Quality Productions and Mixes for Low Price!!!
Just send your track, i'll mixing and mastering soon
I am consistently inconsistent. What do I mean by that? I consistently provide my customers with top, quality beats, mixes, and masters. I am inconsistent with the styles and sounds that I use for my beats. This gives my customers fresh/new material to work with every beat they get!
High Standard Mix and Mastering at Affordable Prices
Synths, FX, Sound Design, Pop/Rock keyboards
Hi I'm Ram, musician and composer from the UK. I'm constantly looking for collaborators to set up a production team.
Transform your music into a masterpiece with professional mixing and mastering services from Hidde in Berlin. Specializing in indie rock, folk, and alternative rock, he has worked with artists such as I bring your vision to life with professionalism and a meticulous ear for detail. Let’s collaborate to get your tracks to their fullest potential!
Recent Successes
"Great communication, fast responses, and awesome sounding masters. Pleasure to work with."
"Super fast. Super talented. Will definitly work with bailey again. Huge pleasure."
"Not only is Ziv a great guitar player; he is very professional, fast, and precise. Communication was great from start to finish. His work far exceeded my expectations. This was a great collaboration. Looking forward t..."
"Kristal is the most amazing collaborator, musician, singer and writer. I feel truly blessed to have stumbled upon her. I have valued this collaboration very highly, and am extremely happy with how the song turned out...."
"there aren't many words to describe the beauty of Romy's voice and above all her professionalism. a voice and a layered text of the songs of the most famous producers and DJs today. very nice to confront her because..."
"Working with Gio was amazing! I love how attentive he is to the details upfront to make sure the project's vision is achieved. His ability to listen and collaborate is really great! He made a lot of really cool vocal ..."