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San Jacinto Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Sound: 1. vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear ; 2. sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise. As I mix records, I truly believe I am an airbender, manipulating the vibrations that through the air to make the best possible sounds.
EDM specialist and pop songwriter from Brighton, UK. I have been writing for over 15 years and can deliver fast turnarounds. I have been a writer and featured vocalist on various pop, dance and acoustic tracks and absolutely love the process of bringing a song to life. Credits include dance chart positions and syncs with BBC.
Indie Mix Engineer
I have traveled the Country performing for over 15 years and have experience in live and studio music of every style and genre. I have been classically trained by pedagogues from around the world and have modified and funneled this background into various worlds of sound and artistry. The genre of greatest interest in SACRED MUSIC.
I love solos! And I love sound, feeling and r’n’r!
Abbey Road Studios, Angel Studios, Sphere Studios and Soundtree studios in London, UK. My recording credits include orchestral, Jazz, Pop and Latin recording sessions for film, television and commercials in the UK, Canada and the USA. Contracts included work for BBC Films, Miramax, BBC Television and Radio, Nike and Stella Artois.
I compose music of various genres and want to help other composers produce their songs at the best quality.
Composer for artists or independent artists, I offer my skills in composition (contemporary music, current, and classical), to help you to sublimate, or put in music your text, your film, or your artistic project. Example of work : https://www.festivalnikon.fr/video/2022/749
Recent Successes
"Chris Adams is beyond brilliant and he is the greatest master of music in all the Universe!!! Yet amazingly Chris is a humble giant of power happily helping others bringing their musical dreams to life always giving h..."
"this is my 10th or 11th track now, I do all sorts of types of music rock music but sometimes do more theatrical ones like this last track and as usual Shannon nails it. will be back"
"Mark is really friendly and super communicative. A real pro with a great musicianship and sensitivity. He really kept the identity of my song intact and just add some magic touches here and there that made it a Recor..."
"Once again, Eileen has delivered an excellent song! She composed a clever melody and a very impressive instrumental for my lyrics. The vocal performance was top quality, and the finished music was amazing. I highl..."
"Amazing as always!"