Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sakun LLC
4,000,000+ views on YouTube / Composer, Arranger, World Woodwinds Remote Recording, Engineer based in Bologna, Italy
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Hello, my name is Ric, I am a Los Angeles native. I've been working in hip hop, r'n'b and pop for 20 years engineering. I really enjoy mixing music and being able to enhance and take your songs to a professional stream ready quality.
Hey! I'm Ashea, a platinum selling songwriter, producer and audio engineer based in London, UK. Credits incl: Alan Walker, Holy Goof, TS7, Sony, 2Tone, Kiss FM, X Factor. My no1 aim is to help artists turn their song ideas into 100% radio-ready tracks. I specialise in producing & writing pop and Top 40 style music in all its wonderful forms.
I will provide you with a Live Drum Track, created and fit for your music, giving you that interactive & organic sound. I also can replicate electronic/hip hop beats and record them on the live acoustic drum kit.
Working closely with you I'll send you over a tailor-made bass recording for your song! Multiple un-edited and un-processed takes transferred to you quickly.
I can help you write or produce music. The main genre I work with is hip-hop, but I am incredibly eclectic and able to write within the following genres: trap, Rnb, soul, dubstep, drum & bass, LGBTQ+ music. I have been a musician for 10+ years; working in electronic, sequencer based music for 8.
I'm a musician and sound designer based in Milan. I play as a guitarist since the age of 6 and i'm currently touring italy in major festivals with pop Italian Artists.
Music Composer & Audio Sweetening with a Bass & Guitar
Recent Successes
"It is my first time working with Ms. Lachi and she gave me back an amazing song"
"Thank you so much! Amazing work! It´s a pleasure to work with you! Looking forward working with you again!"
"The best X-O-Planet Mastering we ever had! Bright sound and amazing vocals!"
"Recommended. Also I like the communication, it's open and friendly. Thank you."
"Camilo's fantastic, very thorough in his terms/workflow, and churns out a fantastic product in good time. Would relish hiring him again !"
"Yoad was amazing! He was able to enhance the feel and emotion of my song through his brilliant technical and creative mixing. Very easy to work with--patient, punctual, and understanding. "
"Another round of mixing with Chris- he always delivers the most realized version of my tracks. remarkably organized and in control of even my more dense sessions- amazing engineer and world class mixer!"
"Sam has never let me down!!! 10 for 10 every song I sent him he absolutely nailed. Clean, articulate, musical, professional, And always full of character, His mixes are all that and more. Can't recommend his services ..."
"So exited with my new song! Very easy to work with,amazing singer and producer also .. "
"Amazing work on the track!"