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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Saive
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Hello, my name is Robert Goudswaard, I have been blessed to be working with award winning artists in Europe.
Balazs Zalan Szabo
A Complete Studio for Each & Every Multimedia Task.
A Grammy Nominated Musician, Producer and Engineer based out of one of the best studios in the country, Echo Mountain Recording. With an endless amount of recording tools and musicians at my disposal, I will work with you to take your vision and bring it to the next level, with it's mixing, producing or musical session work. Let's do this.
Expert level, groove oriented bass player. I play to match the feel of the song, not to show off.
Mas de 20 años de experiencia en mi estudio Dopplermedia , siempre adaptándome a las necesidades del cliente ofreciendo la mejor calidad posible, tanto a nivel técnico como humano
Master, Mezcla y Beats.
Recent Successes
"What can I say. I literally stumbled on to the Avery Fos team by chance. Elisha took my raw, intimate song and transformed into something amazing. Phoebe rounded the song out by providing beautiful background vocals a..."
"Great quality mastering and a professional service from start to finish! Will definitely be using the services in the future, a great way to enhance your tracks! "
"Dan just finished up mixing and mastering the 4th song from my bands new EP. What can I say, I'm gonna miss the excitement of getting a mix back from him when this experience is over. He knocks it out of the park ever..."
"Don't know how to praise Camilo anymore. It's a pleasure to work with him every time!"
"It was the first time working with Philip but we can definitely recommend him - we are very happy about the result! We made a pop-radio-mix with additional production and we‘re excited to see how the audience will tak..."
"Great singer, song writer and topliner. Pleasure to work with Bastien! Thank you"