Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rxseboy
Hi I'm a music producer, composer, sample-maker, multi-instrumentalist & songwriter based in Dublin, Ireland. Known for production credits with Logic, Joey BadA$$, Octavian, Rxseboy & eevee, I came up by creating unique compositions and posting them online to build an extensive sample catalogue known as the Chroí Music Library.
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Dear Artists, If you are looking for a reliable, experienced producer and mixing engineer, I can help you further. I gained experience over 20 years. Since 3 years I am working full time as producer and mixing engineer in my Studio Schwarz-Musikproduktion.de I am songwriter for Warner Chappell and released in different styles on many labels
Welcome to Sinai Records, we strive to make every piece perfect. Are sound is amazing and unique even before mixing and mastering! Emill Rodriguez is the founder of Sinai records to God be the Glory!
I’ve been producing music since the age of six and have released officially with Asthmatic Kitty, Adult Swim (William Street Records), and Ghostly International as well as producing, mixing and mastering for many other artists since then
I have recorded the guitar and violin arrangement for Columbia Record artist "Powfu" on the song "A world of Chaos (feat. Rxseboy, Jomie, Ivri)" from the recent ep "Poems of the Past". I have also independantly written, recorded, sung, and mixed over 30+ songs amassing well over half a million total streams on spotify alone.
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Experienced hip-hop audio engineer with a passion for crafting exceptional sonic experiences. Proven track record of elevating artists' vision through top-notch mixing, mastering, and production. Let's collaborate to bring your beats and lyrics to life with professional polish and urban flair.
Elevate Your Track with My Vocals & Production Expertise.
Hi I'm a music producer, composer, sample-maker, multi-instrumentalist & songwriter based in Dublin, Ireland. Known for production credits with Logic, Joey BadA$$, Octavian, Rxseboy & eevee, I came up by creating unique compositions and posting them online to build an extensive sample catalogue known as the Chroí Music Library.
Recent Successes
"Amazing drumming... If you need grooves, better call Matt. Looking forward to working with him again soon."
"Stephen produced great quality vocals and was very obliging with a couple of revisions requested. All work done within schedule. "
"HOW CAN I GET MY WORK DONE WHEN I'VE GOT CRIS's KILLER VOCALS JAMMING INSIDE MY HEAD? If that doesn't yell mass appeal I don't know what will. I gave Cris a tough task (turn a sensitive pop song into a rock pop hit)...."
"Fred is the guy you need. He took my track and really added the finishing touches needed to turn it into something I'm genuinely so proud of. Great mastering technician, worked with a really quick turnaround, will be ..."
"Another great song with Reed! Already looking forward to the next one :)"
"Ladies and gentlemen I'm here once again to sing the praises of this young creative mastermind for the incredible job that he did with a remake of a 70's song that I love. He impeccably captured the overall vibe and..."
"Watching Riley work is really inspiring. It would take me weeks to edit what he can record and edit in one hour. He uses the latest technology and knows just what fx to put on each part of the song to boost and sweete..."
"Ethan did a tremendous job, I cannot say enough about his work. He helped me finish a somewhat complicated and quite niche song. He made polyrhythms, odd time signatures, and dynamic shifts all make sense. He wrote an..."
"Great and fast, would def work with him again!"