Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Runden
Bringing life to your tracks with high quality drum and percussion recordings. Looking forward to working on your next project.
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Music Production Technologist - Phonographic Production / Audio Technology / Mixing & Mastering / Editing / Transcription
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Detail-oriented and motivated sound engineer, multi-instrumentalist, and educator experienced in neuro-acoustics and audio production. Proven ability to create innovative solutions, lead projects, and collaborate seamlessly with colleagues. Dedicated to achieving exceptional quality and precision in all aspects of sound design.
Vaelocity (Jeroen Vaelen) is a Belgian artist. It is safe to say that this man is driven by a passion for songwriting, producing, mixing and mastering. He is signed to major labels as One Seven Music (Sony Music) & BIP Records (Universal Publ.) He played at Tomorrowland and gained over 4,000,000 Streams on Spotify.
Partybus Stuttgart
Professional Bass Player with studio and live experiences
Professional songwriter/artist/vocal-producer with a dreamy and ethereal voice. High quality stems delivered to you comped, edited, and including doubles, harmonies and octaves.
Recent Successes
"Mixing is dope., A1 service, Great communication."
"Andres is superb with his work! Got 2 versions whereby one is what he thinks is best for the song and another following what I thought was best. Turned out I used his version!! Really love his work, and his team is ve..."
"Austin did an absolutely amazing job with this song I needed some additional production on! Highly recommend for anything!"
"Amazing job! The YellowHeads provided a fast & friendly service for my mastering needs. I would highly recommend them for this service. I'll be back again soon :)"
"Always great working with Oli!"
"roy is an awesome individual who can sing the roof off the a song. I love his vocals and he can make magic. would definitely recommend him."
"Barak has such a keen ear. he helped me figure out my band's sound so well, we now have a better idea of how we want to sound in the future (production wise as well as live) so in a way you could say that he forecaste..."