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Roscommon Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a beat maker/ Music Producer who sells beats and does mixing and mastering for the low prices.
Attending Full Sail University for my bachelors degree in audio productions. 5 years experience mixing.
I've always been very lyrical in the process I created my own website for song writing any genre style or sound you want quality guaranteed
The newest on the market but also the professional who works the most
88risings go to lyric and melody guru. Montana’s co-writes include multiple cuts from Head In The Clouds II crew album, including Joji & Jackson Wang single "Walking (feat. Swae Lee and Major Lazer)”, Rich Brian and CHUNG HA's (K-Pop starlet) "These Nights,” Joji’s collab with the legendary Japanese pop group GENERATIONS OF EXILE TRIBE, more below
Online mixing services for singer-songwriters and bands, crafting immersive sonic landscapes with detailed, expressive mixes across diverse genres, prioritizing clarity and emotional resonance.
I am a guitarist based in Pittsburgh, working as a touring guitarist for several country artists in the Northeast. My calling card is my tasteful rhythm playing, as well as my melodic and soulful lead work. I've played on critically acclaimed records and would love to contribute my skills and experience to your music.
As an independent artist, I excel in both singing and songwriting. With over six years of dedicated experience in music and three years of professional work, I bring a wealth of expertise to your project. My portfolio boasts diverse accomplishments, including contributions to the ending theme of a Chinese drama.
Recent Successes
"Great Guy and Producer! Offered me some drafts before so I can see if can produce what I asked for. Mix and Mastering is great, and if you're looking for a good Hardstyle Producer he's one of the best ones here on Sou..."
"Super enjoyable talent to work with! Great writing and vocal skills. Top calibre talent and a pleasure to communicate with."
"Always on point with the bass."
"Another great job, Austin really captured the heart of this song and brought the story of it through sonic choices. I'll be doing more songs with him in the future!"
"Great work as always and definitely my go-to for vocal processing!"
"Excellent work from Vincent! He has great skills and shows a huge interest in the project and how to get the absolute best out of it. And he did! Highly recommended! Will work with Vince again."
"Another great song with Jenny! I've worked on over 30 projects with her and I keep coming back because she's such a skilled vocalist. Beautiful tone, she always finds great harmonies, her timing is very exact, and she..."