Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rodney Cromwell
Professional Mastering Engineer based in Brighton UK. Apple Digital Masters Certified. Trusted by Black Pines, The Endearing, Everyday Saints, Bekimachine, Gemma Cullingford, Rodney Cromwell, Infra Violet, Happy Robots Records, Strongroom Studios & Brighton Electric Studios
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Sound design specialist. 15+ years experience. Focusing on the creation of one of a kind instrumentals.
Patrick Perez is a curator of sound through his distinct abilities in music production, audio engineering, and sound design. His versatility opens the opportunity to explore new territories in film, fashion, installations and music, which assist artists & collaborators to bring their audible vision to life.
I've mixed & mastered everything from 3 minute pop songs to multi-hour synth noise odysseys. Whether your tunes sound like Beyoncé or Philip Glass I've worked on something similar and will take the time to understand your goal and make your song sound the best it can.
Audio Engineer out of the twin cities with a good set of ears!
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attention of your audience. take them on a clear and logical journey.
Recent Successes
"Aly is always trying to give the best of herself...She's a good deal though !!! I like her taste for beautiful melodies.."
"We just finished working on a second song with Chris, and, as he did with the first one, Chris provided us with a great track. He was very easy to work with, asking questions to make sure that the production was what ..."
"He makes the impossible, possible. With his magical creativity, he refines and brings the music not only to sound but also to shine."
"Another awesome song done with Eileen. She is always great to work with! Thank you!"
"Arlis has written countless songs for me and I love them all. I'm from Denmark and nothing has stopped me from singing Arli's lyrics. he has again written an incredibly beautiful song, and I'm looking forward to singi..."
"Dylan just nailed it again. Absolutely brilliant, looking forward to the next one. Thanks Dylan! "
"No question, just shoot it over to Kyle. Getting stems back from him is like opening a Christmas present. Too often you send something out and you're anxious to hear it back. Whenever Kyle sends something back my way,..."
"Chase is a master vocalist!! You cannot do better!!!"