Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with robinson khoury
Run by François Fanelli, Grammy-nominated and multi-platinum Mastering Engineer, Sonics Mastering is a full-service mastering studio located in the south of France, in Marseille, created in 2003. We believe that effective synergy with the mastering engineer is essential for the successful completion of your project.
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Creative musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer. Experiments and mixes languages that find expression in many musical and artistic projects.
Thank you for checking out my SoundBetter Profile!! I'm a Berklee credentialed Sound Engineer and owner of Signature Sound Studio in Detroit. Since 2012 I've completed over 250 independently produced projects in 5 different countries - mostly online. Recent clients include Louis Picasso and the Toledo International Symphonic Orchestra.
Violinist, string arranger, composer, performer, producer, with extensive experience of recording and performing live, globally. Over 200 recording artist credits including Paul Carrack.
Multi Platinum Producer. Credits: Dido, Pixie Lott, Migos, Dua Lipa. Songwriter Producer, Arranger and Mix Engineer Pianist- Royal College of Music trained Composer and Orchestrator
Nos dedicamos a la atención farmacéutica de la máxima calidad. Se trata siempre de atender a los clientes de manera cercana y profesional
With experience working with industry Full sail engineers.
Sou pianista e arranjador, apaixonado por música brasileira e música classica, no momento estudo violino e amo escrever partituras para orquestras, metais e casamentos.
Recent Successes
"Another great job. Moving to song #3 with Mr. Leeds at the mastering helm. "
"Ety worked incredibly well for me on a previous project, and second time around she delivered everything that was asked of her, yet again. Even some last minute revisions were recorded on time and they worked perfectl..."
"The fastest vocalist I have worked with yet. She is keen and hungry to satisfy your needs and support your idea."
"Great production done on my tracks, and an amazing producer, would be working with him definitely again. Thank you bro "
"Great violinist ever! Nice and kind person who plays fantastic sound! Thank you for your great work!"
"Made my vocals sound exactly how I wanted them. I make rap music so I really want them to cut through the mix and he did it perfectly. Coming back to him every time. thanks rico <3"
"It was great working with Leo. He is hard working and comes up with new ideas always in the best interest of the project. I recommend working with him."
"Best mix master producer for me so far. Worked with him twice and he understand and mix perfectly based on what I ask for. Thank you will rework with him real soon."
"Mr. Mig is Mr. Magic. He knows just what to do to bring the best out in your song. He is the go-to guy for mixing and mastering (and many other things.) His skill set is extensive and he is so professional and a genui..."