Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robert Geaux
Over 1 million streams worldwide / Signed in Warner Music Denmark, Universal Music Group and more / Got featured many times in Beatport charts / Garnered support from top artists such as Timmy Trumpet, KEVU, DOPEDROP and many others!
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More providers:
Skighlyne Studios: Music production/engineering/in-house artists, art, film etc. - Share your craft and become Kultured with the world.
With Nik Carpenter and Dylan Smith working out of Core Studios, the experience between them is second to none The highlights of Dylan's Career started when working in Los Angeles as the Assistant Engineer/Runner at the Foo Fighters 606 studios. The highlights continued when he came home and was interning at 301 Studios in Sydney.
With over 145 beats produced as a ghost producer. I believe a musician should be in control of their work so I give all right to you once you purchase my beat. My price gives you full right to the production.
Giovanni Cilio, live and studio session drummer from Florence, Italy.
I am a Mixing Engineer and Editor specializing in Rock and Metal. I go above and beyond just mixing and use my experience and knowledge to help you sound better than you thought possible.
I dot Trap and Drill beats but I'm also capable of doing other genres.
Techno, House, Tech House, Melodic House & Techno, Afro House, and Psytrance Producer | Mix/Master Engineer | Experienced EDM Ghost Producer with 9+ Years of Expertise | 200+ Tracks Sold Specializing in crafting deep, immersive soundscapes, powerful drums & bass, engaging rhythms, & beautiful synths.
I produce hip hop music any kind of hip hop I'm not that we'll known but I'm good at what I do
Recent Successes
"This girl is just awesome! Lifted my song to the sky! She makes the track fit together, when she is also take your opinion into the prossess of making the vocals! Recommends her, to all that need´s a female vocalist o..."
"Jessie was amazing! She was a pleasure to work with and I would love to work with her in the future again. "
"Look no further. Gerard's mixes allow the high end frequencies like vocals to cut through even busy tracks, and still allow room for all the low end thump and bass you are looking for. Every track sits nicely in the..."
"Great Voice Great Swag on the track!!!"
"Working with Jason was a real pleasure. He'll do his best to put your song the next step, and, it will ! You can't go wrong with him ! Definitely gonna work again with Jason !!"
"Nacho has been SLAYING ALL OUR SONGS!!! I don't even know what else to say. No need to keep searching on SoundBetter for engineers. Bottom line, if you need mixing, mastering, or both, it's a no-brainer to go with Nac..."
"Our experience working with Dave was hands down the best ever because: -He was responsive to our vision and truly served the songs by adding his own -He was super flexible and patient with us when we had delays -He..."
"Matt is one of the most talented engineers / producers I've ever had the pleasure of working with. This is the second track I've sent to him for mixing/ mastering and he knocked it out of the park once again. Radio qu..."
"Christian is the best! Every song his vocals are on point. And he takes feedback and direction well. I got exactly what I wanted. Lyrics are top notch. I highly recommend!!"