Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Robbie Porter
I’m a Grammy-nominated engineer with 20+ years in the music business. I'm also a multi-instrumentalist well-versed in music theory. You're song(s) will be approached with the highest degree of musicality and technical prowess.
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My goal is to make music sound great, that's it.
I've been recording drums for artists and producers all over the world from my home studio since 2016. I've tracked drums on hundreds of songs to date, and the songs I've played on have earned hundreds of thousands of streams. I specialize in: folk/singer-songwriter, pop, rock, and worship/CCM.
Musician Pianist, Accordeon, clarinet BeatMaker, Sound Design Musical and Artistic Production
Trust me, I'm an engineer!
Need Chubby and Expensive Sounding Mixes? Then you came to the place. I’m here to receive and deliver back to you 100% high quality mixes that will make you fall in love with your song even more.
I was awarded multiple times for writing the best poetry and rewards for providing the best online essay help UK to my junior fellows.
Compositor de Canciones Artista Latino/Rapero
Let's create something beautiful, together.
Recent Successes
"There are many mastering professionals in the world, I have worked with many of them; And it truly has been excellent to work with Carlos Freitas, a true master of masters in the world of professional audio. I was inf..."
"Marta is an incredible singer and such a nice person. I cannot believe she can work so fast. She delivered a perfect vocal in one take. No edits necessary. I will definitely work with her again. Thank you, Marta. "
"Another great session with Simon. He always finds just the right part for the song! Quick turnaround time. Always a great experience. "
"He is a very professional singer and he knows what I want and he catches my eye. I really enjoyed working with him. I'm sure I want to be with you again next time."
"Again, Rudi has always treated my projects at the highest industry quality level and I'm always glad to work with him. I truly recommend Rudi for any project and will definetly continue to work with him, Thanks Rudi!"
"I came back! Very serious and professional work, responsive and attentive."