Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ritmo gourmet
Audio engineer, analog audio designer, music producer and beatmaker, let me help you get the sound you want.
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11th Street Studios is a 7,000 SF, 3 room facility centrally located in Atlanta's West Midtown District.
I'm a composer/songwriter for films, records, TV, theatre, dance shows, ads and videogames. I do love composing! The emotional power of film scores play a major part in my creative process for any composition may it be a soft piano song up to an epic, orchestral story. Guitars of many styles are also at your service :)
I make music to make people feel. What more could you want?
a pseudo-introvert, a web developer, and a maker
My name is Pedro Carvalheiro, my specialization is R&B, HIP HOP, AFRO,DANCEHALL and POP.
Clean Sounds, Transparant Mixes, Sparkling Masters, Clear and Trustworthy Communication
I'm an animator and illustrator with award-winning projects, who loves creating visuals for music. I have experience working on animated music videos, Spotify loops, live performance visuals and album art.
Take your music to a higher level, it deserves to be heard by the world!
Recent Successes
"Walter came through with amazing dedication and compassion to make sure I got my vision perfectly. He is definitely proficient on keyboard playing and has a awesome studio full of every instrument you need to get a..."
"Aaron was able to create a fanstatstic new sound for this complex remastering project. Great thanks!"
"Great collaboration again. Wide variety of instruments, great in musical feel, adding rhythm sections and nice details as well. "
"Grant is great to work with, his skills and attitude are first class, I have no hesitation in recommending him. "
"Perfect every time!"
"Amazing engineer. Only person i will let my artist work with"
"I have worked with him before and will work with him again. Very knowledgeable and has a passion for music."
"Such a pleasure working with Colin! He listened to all of my ideas and put his own unique spin to the mix. You can clearly tell he knows what he's doing, can't wait to work with him on future projects! "
"Second time working with Justin. I’ve been extremely happy with each project he’s been part of."
"Our first collab together. I held out as I just had that feeling Devmo would smash this, and she did. We worked on a trailer hip hop sub genre track for TV, Movie and video game trailer licensing. She totally nailed i..."