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Risca Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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The "Sound City" of New Zealand. For 20 years New Zealand's most popular recording studio.The rare and wonderful 1974 EMI Neve. The best drum recording room this side of the planet. Perfectly set up for bands. Millions of records sold. A very special place to make great music.
Pack Leaders Records was established in the UK in 2021 and is leading the way for a new generation to create the best quality music, sound FX, and foley for all your production needs. We pride ourselves on the best quality and quick turn around. Studio, Custom Music Production, Sound FX + Foley, Record Label, Music Libary/Streaming Music,Publisher
Over 1000 recording credits. Member of German pioneers of heavy metal ACCEPT ("Balls To The Wall" 🤘). Toured 3x with Uli Jon Roth (Scorpions). Credits excerpt: Joe Satriani, Gregg Bissonette, Hal Blaine. Michael Landau, Missing Persons. German-born studio and session bass guitarist, known for being a very skilled and versatile bass player.
We cover all aspects of the music production process. Whether you have a rough demo that you'd like to transform into a Commercially-Viable, Radio-Ready track or just need that final polish with a professional mix & master, our seasoned professionals will bring your vision to life.
Expert level, groove oriented bass player. I play to match the feel of the song, not to show off.
Our of the box composition and production of good music.
Professional String Player Film Composer with 35 years experience. Studio, orchestra, improvisor, jazz, folk, rock, and classical
Recent Successes
"Fourth song in a row with Stefano; went great as usual. He remodeled our lead guitar piece a bit based on a DI track as we asked, and it sounded spot on. One more coming up to close out our first release!"
"Danny is a true professional. Not only is does he provide high quality brass work, he's also timely and really easy to work with. We are big fans and love working together. Highly recommended!"
"Working with Taylor was a real pleasure. He is enthusiastic, creative and has very unusual and attractive voice. He has a terrific laid back singing style very modern and cool .He worked on a simple blues/jazz song ..."
"Such a talented producer! Always understands the vision and takes me good songs into great pieces of art. My go-to-guy always "
"Replies fast and gave me an even better version of what i had prior! He is informative. Asking questions was helpful! "