Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Reviver (Short Film)
- Music Producer - (Film)Composer - Multiinstrumentalist - DJ - based in Berlin -
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Music for everyone's cup of tea.
Skilled in all aspects of production/promotion, composition and performance art for recording, concert, film and theater events, album production, live concert and musical performances, orchestrations, editing, mix.
Very Good Price Cause I'm New To The Site! 8 years of producing and writing songs. Had artist projects at Sony & Universal. Will help with beats, production, mixing and mastering. Send me a message and lets work!
Professional drummer and mixing engineer offering custom, radio-quality tracks tailored to your sound!
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Worked with artists such as FBG Duck, G Herbo, and The Kid Laroi. I produce beats, mix, and master all in house at a state of the art studio in downtown Chicago.
Clap Studio - Because you want to hear claps on your Premiere:)
Graduated and successful mixing engineer and producer of many modern Hardcore and Metal bands! The underdogs deserve good sound, that's what I'm here for!
Recent Successes
"speedy sound wizard over here! he did a great job, worked super fast, and got me the sound I needed, again. thanks mate!"
"Hi I'm not a musician, part of a band or do professional stuff that most of you guys do. I am a regular girl with songs I love that are very rare & unusual that need TLC restoration ❤ Trevor really is a sweetheart, a ..."
"Alex is an absolute elite engineer. Love working with him every single time (which are many times by now) 10/10"
"I had a great experience working with Dibs! I came to him with a few snippets of an unfinished pop tune and he helped me build these ideas out into a fully-fledged song with a really great vibe. Very friendly, patient..."
"What a voice! Brandon did his job to perfection with his beautiful vocals."
"Very professional mixer. As an amateur mixer myself, I not only got a great sounding mix, but learned from it as well, thanks to his transparency and explanation of the steps he took to improve the sound of the song."