Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with renee flemming
Having sung at the world's most prestigious venues (The Metropolitan Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Opera Saint Louis and many more) Gillian's classically trained voice will astound you with it's power, beauty, range and flexibility. Working now as a crossover artist, Gillian can provide the vocals you need for your crossover, jazz, or classical hits.
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Hey guys! My name Zach Michael and I write songs, produce and sing them! I would love to help you bring your visions to life!
I am a bilingual Music Producer / Songwriter who will be delighted to help you write your next hit.
➖ Founder/Owner of ØHM Music▪️Armada | Coldharbour | Black Hole▪️I play poker & love good food ➖
Just a person trying follow my dreams and have fun. I began music production when I was in high school and fell in love with it ever since. I'm a self taught producer with much to learn. Youtube tutorials and Google have easily been my greatest teacher. Music is everything to me and if I can make an impact for just one person then I'll be happy.
Let me help you bring your vision to reality!
I specialize in making music using Japanese scales some of which include the Hirajoshi scale and Sakura scale. I mostly use a guitar to make my music and other inorganic instruments since it suits my style of music
First time collaborators looking to join forces and use our gifts and talents- because isn't that the dream? To share with the world....
You need help finding a new sound, or stuck in writers block. Let's get it from the Mudd, and get you a solid demo. Im always working on finding new sounds and genre mashing them to come out with a complete new sound.
Recent Successes
"Mixed track exactly how I asked and song came out better than I imagined! Thanks Tyree!"
"Another great job from Alex! He recorded killing vocal tracks and also guitars, mixing and mastering. Stunning music skills. Highly recommended !!!"
"Super fast delivery of a first demo vocal to get an idea how the song turns out with her on the vocals!"
"Roy is the ultimate professional and always makes the music sound its absolute best. I'm super confident when I send my productions to him because he is a master at his craft..... Thanks Roy!!!"
"Une fois encore Vladimir - qui est très occupé par ses concerts et ses master-class - réalise une excellente interprétation de cinq duos qui comptent beaucoup pour moi ; un partenaire résolument fiable et un musicien ..."
"Elise, another beautiful experience with you. You are always up to the challenge in making our songs the best. We appreciate your dedication to touching emotions and connecting hearts with our songs. We always look..."
"Captured the exact vibe we wanted with great creative and technical chops. Outstanding job!"
"I am one of Nico’s many return clients. This was my first experience with Dolby Atmos mastering and Nico took the time to explain some things to me which I really appreciated. 😊"
"It's so important for me as a producer to have a mastering engineer to rely on and trust. Nacho has been my guy for a long time now and I have no plans of going elsewhere. He's super fast, professional and has great t..."