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remote Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Brian, I am the owner of Sonic Journey Studios. I have been mixing and mastering for four years along with EDM production. I have mixed live orchestral performances, rock bands, EDM, etc..
Emmy nominated: KHALID, MICHAEL FRANTI (#3 Globally), AMERICAN IDOL, HBO, NETFLIX, NFL and many more! Los Angeles based, Abe goes toe-to-toe with the best in the business elevating each artist's vision with his technique, ear, communication and 15+ years of experience.
Making your ideas come to reality. Producing music with over 12 years of sound design, mixing and mastering to create that new sound or idea. Sound design and EDM is what has made most of my income but that hasn't stopped me from completing any projects from rock to country; I have done a little bit of everything.
CONOR BYRNE - 110M Spotify Streams + 700K Monthly Listeners, Currently Signed to SONY RCA
30 years of experience mixing for music and tv. clients include: Netflix, SONY Pictures, Amazon Studios
Artist and Singer-Songwriter from Cork, Ireland.
Published Singer/Songwriter and Lyricist in melodic rock, rock, pop-rock, country-rock and ballads. Sounds like: Stevie Nicks, Jewel, Susanna Hoffs.
As a professional EDM vocalist, I specialize in delivering dynamic, emotional, & unforgettable vocals tailored to your sound. Whether you need soaring melodies, hypnotic hooks, or heartfelt lyrics, I bring versatility & passion to every project. Let's collaborate to create a track that stands out on every playlist!!
Recent Successes
"Mark was awesome to work with. Professional, responsive and a really nice guy. The Bass track he put down was perfect on first pass! He also added a killer Hammond B3 track that elevated the song to the next level. Th..."
"Always brings the fire! Such an awesome talent - cannot rate him highly enough!"
"Easy to work with, top quality songwriting and vocals which fitted the track perfectly first time! "
"Very good work done by Joseph. Lot's of delicate details. Real commitment. Thanks for this Joseph."
"Andres was an absolute visionary with his direction. I've never had success with the first pass of a master but man oh man did he do it justice. I will be back, and the music will be EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL! Big shoutout..."
"It's been a pleasure workin with Baylee. She did an amazing job on my project,lyriclly and musically. Even though i gave her a hard time on finding the perfect takes she was very patient and on point! Definitely g..."
"Extremely cooperative and efficient in our collaboration. The EP needed some extra production, and he went above and beyond with sound replacements and building new synths and bass for this. Very happy with his work a..."