Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Red Hot Empty
Mike Gruwell is an Atlanta-area drummer available for your drum tracking session. With more than 35 years behind the kit, Mike is well versed in a wide range of music including jazz, funk, rock, punk, world and percussion. Mike has a full home recording studio with a wide-range of drums, percussion and mics.
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Contact me, there's a good chance I do what you need or know someone who does
Open minded session musician who loves playing any kind of music genre. 10+ years experience in bass/drums/guitar and formally studied orchestral percussion.
I'm constantly seen as a Hip-hop producer/artist, let me surprise you.
Latin Grammy, Latin Billboard, Premio ONDAS, x3 Premios 40 Principales, Premios Juventud, Premio de la Música... over 1 million albums sold with his pop band La Quinta Estación (Sony México) Founder, Songwriter and Guitarplayer in La Quinta Estación (2001-2009) Owner and CEO: Deville Music Owner and Production Training: 48tracks.com
London based vocalist, songwriter, guitarist and producer. Experienced vocalist for toplines over various Pop, K-Pop, EDM tracks. Songwriter for KPop, Pop, Indie Pop, Folk, Psychedelic Folk and Rock.
Alphons Jaison ( born 28-04-2005 ) is a DJ , YouTuber , Producer . He uploads remixes and music videos to his youtube channel .He is well known for his composition and producing style
Hello! My name is Dylan and I've been playing drums for over 15 years, I've toured the country with my band Antighost and I work as the drum technician and studio manager at Raydon Studio in Keego Harbor, MI. I am a huge fan of all kinds of music, regardless of genre.
Online Mixing and Mastering affordably
Recent Successes
"Oh my, oh my, Harry doesn't stop to amaze me. I was thrilled with the first song he did for me, and now he's taken my 2nd track UP another notch. Wow!!! I love it so much. Thanks Harry. I'm so excited right now, need..."
"Awesome work, awesome Support! Currently our N1 Choice for Mix & Mastering!"
"He made my track sound amazing! Also made revisions for me, as needed."
"Melissa was an absolute joy to work with! She is creative, intuitive, understanding, and above all else an extremely talented vocalist and lyricist. I'm extremely happy with the work we've completed and look forward t..."
"I had the pleasure of working with Roger and Louisa. Great experience! Super professional and communicative. Highly recommended."
"Knocked my socks off. Great person to work with, and super fast turnaround. I don't know how Elliot does it. A real talent "
"Great tone and feel as always! Gave me a killer amp/fuzz pedal/ and a DI track to mix together. One of the best players here!"
"Words can't express my reactions to when I first heard my mix back from Airic. He's honestly a huge part of my future success in music and anything he puts his hands on he make sure push out the best mix/work possible..."