Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Real Moxy
Just listen to my portfolio reel; a sound is worth a thousand words, and my work speaks for itself.
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Looking to promote good quality music
I'm here to unlock the full potential of your music; radio ready or not, here I come.
Professional Audio Mastering Services for Independent Artists, Producers, Mixing Engineers, Recording Studios and Labels. We specialise in STEM and STEREO mastering for Streaming Platforms and CD-Audio.
Unique Mixing and Mastering with stylish Vibes Top Credits: Mario - Tell you now
sound designer graduated from the Trebas Institute in Montreal. I specialize in post-production, mixing, and sound effects but I also have a passion for music, I play guitar and piano, and my pleasure is to create ambience for video and logo intros. Mechanic and computer scientist by trade, I am comfortable solving complex problems.
My studio is set up for analog mixing. I have high end outboard pre-amps, compressors. I opened my commercial recording studio in 2003 but have been recording since the early 90's. I've been performing for over 30 years and have a bachelors degree in music with a concentration in voice. I am a session bassist, guitarist, pianist and singer.
I don't make microwave music. With 12+ years of honing my skills as a songwriter and recording artist, I genuinely love crafting songs that resonate. I effortlessly transition across genres, from hip-hop to folk, and my strength lies in collaborating with artists to add that extra magic - weaving stories and beautiful melodies that stick with you.
مهند إسماعيل | 🎵 مغني وملحن فلسطيني 🇵🇸 | عاشق للغناء بلهجات العربية المتعددة 🎤 اكتشفوا عالمي الفني وابتكاراتي الموسيقية! 🎼
Recent Successes
"Amazing job again! Zaro is one of the quickest but thorough producers/mixers out there. Can't thank him enough for the favor he did me! Would recommendhim to anyone !"
"David does his wonders yet again. Easily the best editor I've met on here. He helps me improve the efficiency of my workflow with deadlines by editing the same exact way i would and delivering any file imaginable."
"Lovely voice! Would work with again!"
"Rose was a great producer to work with. She really helped from start to finish to deliver a song I am proud of. I would love to work with her again in the future on other projects. "
"Chloe is a great singer with a fantastic voice. The handling and communication were just smooth. she works quickly and very professionally. gladly again at any time."
"Great mixing quality and fast turnaround times, loved working with harry on my single!!!"
"There simply is no one better than Shy. Working with Shy is always a pleasure. I’ve with him more times than I can count and will continue working with him. Thank you Shy!"
"It’s a great pleasure to work with Noah ! He takes great care to deliver wonderful remixes !"