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Trap Rapper who worked with #trap
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Mainline studio is one of the top recording studios in westchester NY 9143642070
Top-level ghostproducer in ALL EDM genres.
I believe the quality of an Artist's work, is just as important as the art it self. I believe the art behind your music is not what you hear, but what you make others hear.
PM Records Is An Australian Based Record Label & Music Publishing Business. PM Records Release Pop, Dance, Club, Rock, Indie, Grunge, Rap & Urban Music. Artists Include SD2, Kate-E, Hunter, Shanz, Karma, Supasoniq, AJB, MarcMAKERS, The Duke, Ms LuvABLE, The First Lady, HandSUM, MIA KATZ, The Wizard of Pop. We Are Always Looking For New Artists.
🥇 #1 Dance Albums iTunes Chart (AUS) - "Running Up That Hill" ⭐ Top 5 Traxsource 🧑🎤 Top 10 Indie Singles Charts AUS (AIR) 💿 Viral video 1mill+ views - "Heart Shaped Box" 🏆 Semi Finalist Unsigned Only & Int. Songwriting Competitions 🎮 Playstation theme song writer & singer - Oddworld New 'N' Tasty 🎹 20+ years training & recording experience
Elena Šiljić is a composer, producer, DJ, and multi-instrumentalist from Auckland, NZ. She has worked in numerous studios around the world and is a big advocate for female and non-binary people in the industry. At the end of 2019, she started up her own boutique production company, 'Strange Blood Productions.'
"...If you look at, say, people like Bill Gates or Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs, these guys didn't graduate from college, but if you had a chance to hire them, of course that would be a good idea." — Elon Musk
Recent Successes
"Amazing singer, easy to communicate with and he delivers very professional results! He simply delivers above and beyond. I highly recommended working with him"
"Did an amazing job on our first track together. REALLY knows how to make a track pop, and delivers timely. It`s clear Tyree makes the effort to understand your sound and style, and looks for creative ways to work with..."
"Troy's work is simply magic. The right stuff, in the right spots - great ear and plays 100% for the song. Fantastic work!"
"Sam was great to work with. He mixed some songs on my upcoming album that are really close to my heart. Very accommodating and professional and knew how to get the sound we needed."
"Federico has been my go-to mix engineer for awhile now and he's a combination of two great things: He makes cool creative choices that I wouldn't have thought of. And when I do have something very specific that needs..."
"Very very talented singer.💗 i love her voice and will definitely do something with her again. she has the perfect voice for pop songs. this girl is on fire💥🙏💥 "
"Amazing work at the highest quality and wonderful communication as well, thanks so much Josh! You really made the track shine! "