Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ralitsa
Experienced recording, mixing and mastering engineer worked in several recording studios around the world, always ready to take the needed care for your project because I care about the client's desires.
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My name is Jordan Childers, I am an Audio Engineer who is about to be a graduate from Pinnacle College. At a young age I began to play and learn multiple instruments which lead to me wanting to get into the technical audio side of things. Now I mix for both music and film, and still love to play music.
Singer/songwriter with over 2 million plays on soundcloud and the official voice of Disney's Cinderella in Arabic. Popular for transforming real life experiences into tales expressed in original songs.
Basically working on my own music. Just started building my resume
Music is My Passion
Bringing together a diaspora of diverse sounds, talents, and artists, melting them together in something beautiful.
Professional Guitarist currently studying Popular Music and Production at Leeds Conservatoire. Worked with a multitude of bands, ensembles and artists with genres ranging from Hard Rock to Blues and Jazz. Most recently performed with Leeds based band 'Leodis' on tour around the Country including the Reading & Leeds festivals in 2019.
Chirai is a 19 year old Australian R&B/Soul Singer Songwriter. Has preformed at an extensive number of events such as the Rich Dreams Red Carpet Event, Brisbane Lord mayor's christmas carols and even performing with award winning artists such as Usher. Chirai is now venturing out into a solo career aiming to have her EP album out in mid 2023.
Belgian Singer Songwriter [ENG. FR. NL. DE.] - Ready to help musicians from all over the world 🔥
Recent Successes
"Julian did a great Job, he went above and beyond what I asked for! His violin playing is awesome and his recording sounds are clean!! Thanks Julian. Highly reccomned!! "
"Rioux did such an incredible job!! Getting from point A to point B was easy for us as he responds diligently. He was able to capture my vision for the track and turned it into a work of art in just one take. 100% want..."
"Joabe is a great professional player, I really happy with the result. He recorded the trombone parts quickly and efficiently. It's nice that he adjusted to our budget and the specific music genre in general. We look f..."
"What luck finding Jordan! From the beginning, he committed himself not only to understanding the vision of the scenes that required score, but of this film as a whole. Communication was so easy, he listened careful..."
"Kent did a really nice track for me with a quick turnaround. (Two tracks actually.) He was also able to deal with a quirky transposition issue I had to accommodate my track. Great tone and feel, thanks Kent!"
"she has a great voice as for a classic singer as well as a crossover! I am so glad to have found another precious voice in Soundbetter!!!! our collaboration will continue!!! "
"Melody production + MIDI. Super fast and perfect :) Thanks. "
"I loved working with Kimera, great professional and amazing voice, fast in delivery time."
"Nate is a pleasure to work with! He brought a thoughtful and tasteful touch to my project and I look forward to working together again soon. Thanks Nate!"