Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rafael Cocoa
Cráneo y Bejo, Ken OB, Kingleon, Dafonseka, Rafael Cocoa and some more have already tasted my work and they all have had a more than succesfull result with my productions. Why don't you?. It could be anything, RnB, Reggaetton, Trap, Hip Hop, you name it! And if you are open to experimentation so do I! Let's talk and then produce.
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I promise to work fast, work smart, work hard, and to do my absolute best to deliver the greatest quality work that a client can imagine. I have learned from some of the best in the music business, and from that I know I can deliver the best work to you!
I chose the name Next Level Sound because I simply have one mission; that is to elevate the sound of musicians around the world. Giving them the ability to express themselves freely and confidently with a product that truly represents the best form of the individual at hand. I look forward to taking your sound to the next level!
I bring genuine passion & enthusiasm, along with a very broad skill set & immense knowledge of music, to each & every project. While I can fill many roles, if you want a guitar part, song structure, lyrics, mix or overall production that is truly unique, I will absolutely deliver--and save you from working with several different people for one job.
Hey! I’m a student at SAE Expressions college majoring in sound engineering.
I will stop at nothing to ensure that you are happy with my product. I will give you a unique sound to make you stand out from the common beats and tracks that are out there. I believe in quality music and will work with you to ensure you have a jaw dropping sound.
If you're looking for the hardest hitting bars, then I'm who you're looking for. If you want those lines that'll make someone stop and think, then I'm who you're looking for. If wordplay and in depth lyricism is what you're seeking, then look no further because I can provide all of that for you.
I will record powerful vocals for your Heavy metal and Hard rock songs.
Recent Successes
"It has been a pleasure working with Austin. He is highly professional and takes pride in his work. Tracks were delivered promptly and he allowed multiple revisions, he is truly client centred and he is all about costu..."
"Jakey blew my expectations out of the water. He claims to be a passionate singer and he most certainly is. Tracks were delivered professionally and as needed and the voice work on the song was very moving and real. Wi..."
"Great job!"
"super quick and professional!"
"Work twice with lukas and of course I’ll work a third time and a fourth with him cause he’s super professional and dedicated with the songs we made. It’s probably my favorite person of this music industry to work with..."
"Always a pleasure working with Paul! His professionalism, efficiency, and high-quality delivery are always on point! Thanks Paul for helping elevate my creativity and take my ideas to the next level! "
"Another great experience having an EP mastered by Andres. Fantastic work and he and his team communicate well and turn around is quick! "