Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rachel Messer
Produced and mixed albums featured in Rolling Stone. Unlimited, free mix revisions. $150 single mix and master SoundBetter deal!
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My name is Raul Peica and i'm an engineer, producer, and a musician. I specialize in Mixing and Mastering recorded music. From Rock and Metal, through Acoustic Pop, Pop and Hip Hop.
Producer / Songwriter who has signed with Armada Music.
Dj, producer and audio engineer from Mexico, graduated from Beatlab and working in Ableton Live 9.
My name is Tobias Markell, have been a recording artist since 2016. My aim is to find others willing to put in the work and write something worthy of praise. I've been a headlining front page artist for Skilly & Reignland Magazine. Also featured on Media Bites' online blog. My song Immortal has made #34 on Top '40s: Urban/HipHop charts.
Strings, woodwinds and brass section arrangement for songs. I am a awarded singer-songwriter and pianist. Production of Southamerican music with jazz and classical hints.
Professional audio mixing and mastering service for electronic music labels and artists, dedicated to deliver a high quality sound to your music.
I can arrange and produce your song in acappella ,choral ,country and all other genres
Sajid Hassan is a Bangladeshi Digital Millennium Copyrightr Expart Digital Agency & Social Media Cyber Security Specialist. And Sajid Hassan Bangladeshi Musician Singer, Blogger, Digital Marketer, Freelancer, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Content Creator. He is also a good writer. He was born on 10 October 2006 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Recent Successes
"Another great collab with Angelsson! Such a talent and v. professional. Highly recommend and will work with him again."
"Zack was incredibly easy to talk to, he knew what I wanted the moment I showed him a reference of what I was thinking about, matter of fact he made a better idea for my track. He is also patient, as I was vocal dif..."
"I cannot thank Fabio enough for his professionalism and the quality of his work. I am so very thankful that he agreed to work with me. The song came out extremely well and I would recommend anyone out there to give hi..."
"This is my return from deployment, I gave Mosco 3 tracks. Mosco not only guided me, but he made me feel like I had the real producer/artist experience. He pushed me to new limits and came out with such solid workmansh..."
"Great Work. Michael has skills and his imaginative nature, experiments with success to following direction and delivering! "
"Josh is an amazing mixer and he really helped bring this song to life. This is our third song together and I couldn't be happier."
"My first impression of Billy is high professionalism and reliability. We were working on an accordion track for one of my demos and he followed my notes very closely. It felt very comfortable from the beginning on. I..."
"Yoad was very professional and delivered exactly what was expected. Communication was very prompt and happily addressed all of my issues even when I couldn’t make my mind up. I will definitely recommend Yoad and will ..."