Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Rachel Guerzo
I’m an audio engineer with 15 years of experience in the music industry. I have worked with many local and international artistes and acquired a wide range of clientele. The 3 key features of my working ethics are quality of sound, time efficiency and good team work.
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Clients incl. Island Records, Capitol Records, Burna Boy (Gram Award 2021 perf recording), Kiris Houston (Producer Kylie Minogue, Little mix) Recorded strings & solo violin; Netflix's Bridgerton S2 E7 Performed for will.i.am, Madonna, Ronan Keating, Leona Lewis etc. Own string covers featured on SKY TV Royal College of Music, London Alumnus
Estoy en la industria de la producción musical, con participaciones en un par de play list.
Hi, I'm Jaap. I'm specialised in synth pop and indie pop production.I have a studio full of analog synths, can program drums and complete the whole production of your song and mix it into a radio-ready release.
Electronic music producer @infinne. Previously worked as Magnace, amassing millions of streams and making an official remix for The Chainsmokers. Specialized in turning a good songs into great ones.
Tenemos los vinilos decorativos que estás buscando para la decoración de tus sueños. Hazla realidad con nuestros diseños más originales en vinilos pared. Muy fáciles de poner, sin necesidad de herramientas y muy rápido. Decora tu mundo y tu pared única con nuestros vinilos decorativos.
My clients know me as a talented professional who is reliable, prompt, and highly creative. I'm a good listener, too: I want to help create YOUR vision! Let's work together to get your job done and HAVE FUN in the process.
Co-wrote "Coulda Just Left Me Alone" (over 30 million views). I have written and produced for Alexa Cappelli, Sadie Jean, NERIAH, Lorelei Marcell, Cate Downey and Bryce Xavier. 28M+ streams under my belt!
Sonic branding and brand theme composition for European E-Sports League, National Women's Soccer League (US), various trailers. My regular clients are among the biggest commercial music production houses in the world (Massive Music, Yessian Music). I have also worked extensively with high-end music production libraries such Extreme Music (Sony).
Recent Successes
"Giang was such a pleasure to work with! She has a beautiful voice and really took the time to get every part perfect! I would highly recommend her. I will definitely be working with her again soon!"
"Aspene provided great quality work!"
"We took some time to communicate about what was needed - but in the end we got a good result. I Admire Austins Patience and Professionalism. Good Job"
"Erik is amazing! He created a beautiful arrangement and worked directly with me to bring out my idea and then with his artistry created music of original beauty."
"Another great master mix from franZ. Highly recommended. "
"Arthur is such a kind person on top of his ability to execute a track. He works fast and understands every concept with ease. If you need some extra ears and talent on a track, definitely contact him! Will be wo..."
"The Crushboys did everything they said they would and were a pleasure to work with! High quality work all around. Their work actually sounded better every time I listened to it, and I was catching things I didn't the ..."
"Terrific job with creative lyrics. "
"John is always a pleasure to work with- He turns out a fabulous final product on time, every time. I worked with him on many of my songs and look forward to doing so again. I highly recommend him for your next project! "