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Quibdo Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi y'all! I'm a Nashville based award winning songwriter, singer, and demo producer working in music for over 10 years. I create current sounding pop demos for songwriters pitching their music, as well as clean vocals for producers who need clear female vocals on their pop and country songs. Nice to meet you!
Let me help you make your vision into reality.
My guitar style is halfway between David Gilmour and Mike Oldfield. I mainly dedicate myself to Progressive Symphonic Rock as well as soundtracks, but I collaborate with other artists and styles too. Best regards.
Business Engineer and Music Connoisseur...#Soul #Blues #Indie #House#NoHashtag
Creative, versatile session singer and former BGV for The late Donna Summer.
I will make your musical dreams come true. Anything you want to achieve sonically, I can and will do. I mean it... anything.
Looking for tight licks and riffs? Let's work together! I've been playing guitar for 14 years, mainly technical and progressive metal. Anyway, I want to point out I'm also interested on working on different genres, so as to extend my knowledge in as many musical contexts as possibile. That said, hit me up if you need a session guitarist!
Big voice that's played big shows, I love what I do and I have the attention-grabbing vocal you need. Professional singer and actor, touring the UK and internationally over a career of 15+ years. Recent credits include playing Elwood Blues in the OFFICIAL Blues Brothers show, and currently as The Big Bopper in BUDDY: The Buddy Holly Story.
Recent Successes
"Great job, as always. Even with a project file that i was having difficulty uploading, Gosteffects remained positive, helpful, and professional throughout, which was much appreciated. "
"Track sounded great, Rob turned it around quickly and did an amazing job!"
"I must say that Anthony has a highly trained ear for mixing and mastering. He made my song sound better than I thought it could. It also helps that he is a great singer so he knew exactly what to do with the vocals. A..."
"Yonathan is an excellent musician whose piano part for my cover song is outstanding! For my arrangement, I used a couple of unusual time signatures. But, Yonathan helped me create a very beautiful piano part that flow..."
"Such an awesome dude and amazing talent - look forward to many more together! "
"Great work"
"Paul was awesome to work with. Very creative and hard working. Lots of communication. Quick responses, and worked hard to tweak to my specifications. But also added a lot of creativity and energy to parts I otherwise ..."
"It’s always great to work with Karlo he is noticeably attentive and quick to get back to me. His level of professionalism is high."