Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PURPLE KISS
I offer catered lyrics to your genre and/or clean, professional sounding vocals. I can record, play and sing in various genres such as pop, neo-soul, R&B, indie-pop, rock, kids music. CREDITS: https://genius.com/artists/Hunjiya
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I will record perfectly pitched vocals in the language of your choice. From tight, interesting background vocals to lead vocals, my precise pitch and clear diction with a light tone are what you need.
A creative brain that is in love and passionate about music.
Hello! im Shawn Mattison, a music producer from dayton ohio. I Multi-talented i make the beats and mix and master the songs. My greatest feature was a song i did with the legendary Dj Paul of three 6 Mafia called Re-Up
Hi, my name is Jeremiah! I am a rapper, producer and sound engineer. I have been making music since 2015, I have self produced and engineered for many local artists in my hometown of Kansas City. I am currently finishing up audio engineering classes at Dark Horse Institute in Franklin Tn.
I have been writing songs for over 5 years. I’ve written for a few artists, one of which has had a song land in a movie.
Im do the best mexican boom bap
Need some flair for your song? I specialise in melodies that are recognizable and singable. Every artist I've worked with has complimented me on my ability to write hooks, whether its riffs, licks or solos, let me take your tracks from delicious to gourmet!
Recent Successes
"A professional through and through! From his musicianship, etiquette and prompt correspondence and reassurance, there is a reason why SQ's talents and profile as an individual shines through like a burst of light!"
"Great producer, worked with me and all the Critiques I had about the project! Would 100% work again. "
"Alejo was great! Very professional and worked diligently with our request and revision suggestions. Very cool spirit about him and super talented writer. His vocals on the demo sales it by themselves. If you are looki..."
"Bailey was a pleasure to work with! Really captured the vibe I was looking for and delivered excellent work. Highly recommended!"
"As always Caro delivered exactly the guitar tracks I needed. She has such a pretty touch on the guitar - it always adds just what I need. Thanks Caro and looking forward to the net project."
"I hired Alice to create fully notated harp parts from MIDI files. She was efficient and communicative, and the parts came out great with no revisions needed. I'll work with her again next time for sure!"
"Jaime was absolutely amazing!! She knew exactly what I wanted, and delivered the perfect vocals to match the ideas that I had in mind. I've absolutely loved what I've been able to do with her help, definitely one of ..."
"I asked Steve to replicate guitar parts in a song. Not only did he do that, his guitar work was phenomenal. He improved the song exponentially. Just a really talented musician that understands where a song can go…."
"Rob not only delivered a great end result, but worked extremely efficiently and even offered specific technical advice on how to streamline recording processes to get better results. Great to work with and love where ..."