Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pure Intention
Professional quality. Punchy and full-sounding. FREE, UNLIMITED REVISIONS. RADIO READY!
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Song Production
Royo Binks. singer/ songwriter/ vocal producer. Clients include- Sean Kingston, Jason Derulo, Kid Ink, Jake Miller, MGK,
Music producer and engineer with 20 years of experience working with Mary J Blige and R. Kelly
I can see most genres and have excellent voice quality. Professional sounding vocals.
Writing lyrics for Artists
I am a Metal / Hardcore / Punk engineer based near Montreal, Canada. I've been producing/recording/mixing/mastering bands since 2007. [Credits include: Arise Horror, Beheading of a king, Obliterate, Blind Witness, Depths of Hatred, Disfigured Elegance]
Phonk Drifter
ZaZaBEATS (urban music producer and beatmaker) I am here to bring the best beats of the urban genre 2022. Styles like Yeat, PCarti, Drake, 21 Savage, Future, Lil Uzi, Skimask, Etc.. I am also interested in producing new talented promises. I am totally open to doing collaborations, everything is to talk about it until reaching a mutual agreement.
Recent Successes
"Austin is patient and understanding. Always cheerful to accept changes or questions. Professional and very efficient. His charges are very reasonable. Unlikely to have someone complain about him."
"Seth was great to work with and went the extra mile to get it right "
"Dear SoundBetter team, please add a 6/5 stars option for Seb's profile"
"Was patience with me and help explained some recording tips as well."
"Quality work delivered quickly."
"Great guy to work with! Willing to put the time in to turn initial ideas into something that really works. He has a style but will make sure that it's YOUR style that shines through. Highly recommended!! "
"I just received my latest song from Elise & as usual her work is divine....from he vocals to her artistry! If you choose to work with Elise I feel you will be completely satisfied! Thank you Elise! It is SUCH an honor..."
"Mphatic is professional with agreements so I know what to expect prior to working on the song. He also understands producing music for Sync (for ads, movies, series) so I didn’t need to explain that he needs to change..."
"ABSOLUTE 10 out of 10. Christian went out of his way to get the job right, even after I was a PITA and I several errors in my communication with him. He was still super professional and delivered stunning vocals to me..."