Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Psybernauts
I can help you take your song idea from conception to a reality, beginning to end!
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I'm a music producer in northern VA with years of experience and a proven track record of quality projects. I am a professional composer/arranger for TV and other media, but my passion is taking others' songs and making them them best and most marketable they can be.
- Italian vocalist and songwriter currently living in Southern California. - Former member and lead singer of Alternative/Heavy-Rock band "Afraid Of My Neighbor" (Music Connection's Top 100 Live Bands of 2016) - 5 plus years of experience in studio recording, songwriting (lyrics+vocal melody) and live performance.
Let's get to work already!
Hard To Re-Start, Easy To Finish
HELLO. my name is ALEXAN , I'm a music producer , I'm also a performer of the Armenian pop. Now I sing in the Armenian group Voices Of Artsakh. ! What services could I provide you with: songwriting (music, lyrics, arrangement, mix, master). I will be glad to cooperate,THANKS Music producer / mixing engineeer / mastering engineer /singer /songwriter
Quality and affordable mixing with some of todays standard equipment. Neve 1064, cl1b, ssl fusion, and ssl bus are just a few pieces of hardware in reach.
Uno de mis conceptos como compositor , es trasmitir emosiones y sentimientos a travez de cada nota musical , considero de vital importancia la comunicación para llevar a cabo el proyecto que se me asigne .
Recent Successes
"I've worked with Tenaya on a previous project where she added amazing underlying piano tracks that helped emphasize the melody that made a huge difference in the final product. She has a knack for just "getting it" th..."
"This was my second project with Charlene. She took the challenge of singing in a lower key and really knocked it out of the park. She is professional and provides high quality work. I will be working with her again. "
"One of the best engineers I've ever worked with. The mixes sound amazing. Can't recommend Varun enough. "
"Mason, once again, delivered fantastic tracks and made my song sound better than I’d imagined. He took the couple of notes I had, executed and turned them around very quickly. His professionalism is exemplary - I’m ..."
"every once in a while as an artist you get lucky enough to come across an almost superhuman talent …it was this was with Twan. Easily one of the best writers and singers I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with. Not..."
"Richard has an incredible voice. A very reliable and talented artist. 5 full stars and hopefully we will soon start a project together again. Stay Toxic! Pynkman - Toxic Love https://open.spotify.com/intl-de/tra..."
"Stige was a perfect choice for the task I gave him. His vocals and energy stood out on the track, he was totally professional and kept in good contact throughout the project time. 100% right on point for what was need..."
"Incredible! What a great voice! Very great recording quality and all files were delivered as requested. Just professional"
"Ashley always creates amazing songs over my productions. I'm so glad to have worked with her once again and I hope we continue to collaborate for a long, long time!"