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Programmed drums in italy who worked with Italy
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Fierce but only few know it so far, so get in early so we can make something absolutely fantastic together! Collabs get 1+1 to equal 4
I'm a lifelong musician with some credits for some independent work with smaller recording and tv studios. I specialize in all things electronic. I truly view myself as a strong middle ground in the industry. If you are a beginner or intermediate in the studio, I can help get your track crisp, clean, rich, and wide for a radio setting.
Hey, I'm Matthew! I'm a Singer/Songwriter based in Louisiana. Reach out for any singing or songwriting needs.
Your music should be huge—not your bill. You want to sound even bigger & better than when you play it live—I get that. You’ve logged countless hours into writing, arranging and rehearsing your tunes. I have a passion to deliver great sounding mixes, so I'll do whatever it takes to make your tracks sound their best!
Guitarist, songwriter and vocalist, located in Brooklyn, NY.
I make music and sounds for videos and all forms of content. Whether you need a cool beat, full song, orchestral score, or weird sounds fx, I can be your one stop shop.
Berklee College Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer.
“The production is slicker than a newly polished spacecraft, blending retro vibes with futuristic flair. It's like the 80s and 3000s had a baby, and it's glorious. Sure, it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those who dig interstellar soundscapes, this artist is a supernova of awesomeness.”
Recent Successes
"Kevin is awesome! He’s very versatile in style and had a way of taking my half baked ideas and turning them into billboard sounding tracks. I was nervous since I’m not traditionally trained in music, but Kevin did a g..."
"WOW! Tom will level up a mix with his mastering skills real quick. He really understands how to master a song for multi-platform distribution. Exemplary, professional, prompt and engaged; a real industry profession..."
"Absolutely professional job by Gergo, excellent performance with great expressiveness and sweet sound. Smooth communication and speed. Couldn't ask for more. Thanks!"
"One of my best "discovery" on Soundbetter. Awesome artist with a real identity. Higly recommended. "
"Loved working with Elliot! He was super kind and professional, lightning fast, responsive to feedback, and the masters sound great!"
"Another fantastic job with Roy. I appreciate how fast he is able to turn around a great mix. And, working within my Ableton project allowed things to translate seamlessly from my setup to his. I'd recommend Roy to any..."
"Very professional, very easy to work with. Turn around time was terrific, and most importantly helped bring our track to life!"
"Κyriakos put his soul into my song. He listened with patience and grace to every shot and long adjustments I had along the way, and he delivered. Very nice to work with. A true musician and a genuinely nice perso..."