Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Prisoners Of Conscience
Cake is always better with icing. Let me provide my services by putting some icing on top of that sweet new single you just recorded. Wether it be a string section, atmospheres, added percussion or turntables, I'll make it tasiter than it already is.
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Over 1,000 reviews on this site. Has worked with many nationally and internationally successful multi-platinum artists as well as countless local and independent talent, in a variety of genres. Worked on multiple #1's at radio.
Let The Sun Shine On your Music @ Sunrise Select Sound ,
I'm a mixing engineer currently located in Toronto, Canada. Working with artists and producers of all levels and from all parts of the world. I take great pride in creating engaging, exciting mixes and putting my clients needs first.
I am Kathleen and I provide voice over both in English and Tagalog (Filipino), with the latter as my native language.
I have been playing the harmonica for nearly forty years. During this time I have played with bands of various styles gigging in the UK and in Europe. I have been involved in recordings with Rollin Records which included two single releases - 'Return of Jerome' and 'Train to Bopville'. I write and record tracks with my band, The Brothers of Mothers
Arps, sparkles, warbly Rhodes, 80's strings machines, transistor organ... I love layers and textures. Vibes!
Your music is what's important! I can help take it the extra mile to make your vision a reality.
Expect the unexpected.
Recent Successes
"Matt did an amazing job mixing my song. He took the time to meet all my requests accurately and had prompt communication with me throughout the entire process. He's truly a professional and added a great touch to the ..."
"My track sounds awesome. This guy knows how to add clarity to a track."
"5+++ stars are not enough for this guy! Straight from the start, Andrew got the vibe of the song 100% right and his vocals just blew me away from the first take I received. From that point onward, Andrew was very pati..."
"I highly recommend anyone looking for a professional Engineer to work with Austin. I did my first Track with him and was amazed at how spot on his craft is when it comes to mixing and mastering. Not only did he perfor..."
"I'm always a fan of how creative Ethan gets with his melody writing. Nothing like a curveball to make things fresh and exciting again. Highly recommended."
"I really enjoy working with Claud and he always delivers what I need. He gave me some parts to work with and they really add that extra quality to my track. On top of that he's a really nice guy and very easy to commu..."