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I'm an Italian bass player & composer. I graduated in electric bass at CPM (Milan, Italy) with Stefano Cerri. I have been playing in Italy, in Europe and in USA. I play the electric bass 5 and 6 string, fretted and fretless. For more informations : https://soundcloud.com/lucianolucidosusto https://www.facebook.com/sustoesoranziomusici
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, composer and record producer, focused on FILM, ANIMATION, DOCUMENTARY music, and i own Lokomotiv Studio in Turin. Aside of that, I professionally play piano, accordion and bass and produce my own works and artists like The Yellow Dust, Karenza, The James Caruso Orkestar among others.
Producer mixing engineer/ beat maker
I am a musician and engineer living in Valencia, Spain. If you need a track mixed or mastered, parts edited, or vocals, drums, or piano recorded, I'm your guy.
I'm a music producer and audio engineer with an ear for detail and a passion for making great sounding music.
I can engineer, master, write to, and hop on music for ALL GENRES.
G.S.L is an upcoming artist and producer based in Kigali, Rwanda who explores different genres to bring a new revolution in music through his favorite genre which is Rap
Recent Successes
"Camille is unbelievably talented and will contribute so much to your track. She's willing to go above and beyond to make your track amazing, treating your work like it's hers. She's also super kind and responsive alon..."
"Needed a beat for a podcast intro. I sent him some details, and after bouncing a couple ideas around, he sent me a dope beat. Quick, exactly what I was looking for, and reasonable price. Looking forward to working wit..."
"Kadis did a great job for me and stayed on top of things."
"Francois took my suggestions to heart and has once again help create and finalize a powerful piece of music!! Mix and mastered by Francois Michaud at Wild Horse Studio."
"Scott has done it again!! Yet another great vocal. A great guy to work with, and always delivers. Highly recommended!!"
"Oscar did a great job of bringing out the right elements of my track, and got great separation between sounds. The mix/master sounds great on my Focal Solo studio monitors and on headphones. I know it will sound good ..."
"Been working with Brian for quite a few months now and no matter how nitpicky and annoying I can be with the tiniest of issues, Brian always has a great attitude and an unwavering commitment to getting it done. He's g..."
"Jordan exceeded my expectations on every level. He is an abundantly talented professional and I consider it an absolute privilege to work with him! He is highly motivated to deliver the highest quality artistry. 10/10..."