Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Porsche Boy
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Hello! I'm a producer, song writer, vocalist, mixing and mastering engineer, and lyricist who specializes in synthwave, industrial, trance, and electro music (and mixing/mastering many others!). Being an artist myself, I love working with others, and helping them bring their music to life, while adding that extra radness to their musical vision.
Check out the latest song I worked on newly released: Madison Paris ft Justin Love - Notice me Let me write your next hit ☺️
Hi, mi name is Ñoki. I'm Mixing engineer with more than 10 years of experience. I have worked with a multitude of artists
Mixing and Mastering - Location Recording - Live || Daniel James - Alex Pearce - Rosie Tarrant Visit our website - www.danieljamesaudio.co.uk - for more information!
Hey there! I'm Steve Hanson, a seasoned music producer with over 20 years of experience with a flair for songwriting, a rhythmic soul on the drums, and a passion for delivering captivating vocals. My specialty is Modern Pop and Progressive Pop music.I craft exceptional tracks that resonate on both an emotional and artistic level.
I'm a Pop/Rock/Pop-Punk producer and mixing engineer. I sing and play bass in the band Waxflower. Let's make something great together!
Controlo el sonido fuerte que la gente joven tanto busca, mi obsesión es crear el espacio mas amplio posible para que quepan todos los elementos de la canción, trabajo con multitud de técnicas de compresión y limitación para poder alcanzar un gran RMS (loudness, volumen) si el cliente lo desease, pero siempre respetando la sensación de dinámica.
Looking for fancy gear? Not me! Just a good pair of ears. Give it a shot and you won't regret it!
Recent Successes
"Kirsten continues to delight, taking my lyrics and telling their story with her beautiful music and vocals. I look forward to each new song as a treasure."
"Julia has an amazing voice and was really professional to accomplish all my requests about the work i gave her. Really nice person to work with. Really recommended! "
"It was my second time I worked with Charlene and the results are incredible. Her professionality and dedication are unique, and the results speaks for their own. Do not hesitate, she is THE BEST choice if you wan..."
"Ryan keeps raising the bar every time we work together. He’s a true pros pro and one amazing collaborator. Every song we do pushes into new territory that I didn’t see coming. 11 out of 10 stars for him. "
"BIG DUKE works fast and will get back to you with results right away. Friendly guy and has a good ear."
"R3SPAWN did an amazing job on my track. The mix and master were really well balanced and professional. He works quick and efficient and clearly explains why certain elements weren’t sounding the way they should and wh..."
"Love her vocals, so much talent, so much enthusiasm and creativity, incredible! Always friendly, kind and patient. Excited about our artistic mission!"
"CaiNo has a lovely voice and is a pleasure to work with. A real pro! He has both the creative & technical skills required to record beautiful vocals!"
"Couldn't be happier with the chance to work with Drips again. Really professional, patient, knowledgeable, and timely. Incorporated all of my notes and feedback over the course of 3-4 weeks to deliver a fully mixed/ma..."