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Hip Hop Pop-Rock Arranger who worked with Hip-hop
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An all original multi-instrumentalist/composer/producer/song-writer working with various genres with over 20 years of experience!
i mix hip hop song and pop song.
Music expert and consultant. Songwriter & Artist +TV/Film music I'm a member of ASCAP and have worked with a Grammy Award winning producer. I've collaborated with artists, djs and producers in Africa, London and UK.
Need hit that would get you rich & famous I’m here to help
Studio Session Drummer
a música sempre foi a parte mais importante da minha vida e sempre tive o sonho de trabalhar na área, sempre tento desenvolver tendências, testar sons interessantes e agora me junto a outras pessoas em projetos legais
My approach to recording sessions is focusing on your musical and creative vision to bring your next project to life!
Michael assist your writing need
Recent Successes
"A great pick Andrea was. When I read his profile here I said to myself I want this guy and destiny paved the way. Did very great work at the job I had requested. I am glad I met him and will work with him again in th..."
"Samantha delivered the goods... and then some! Cut all the harmonies I needed and wrote a few herself that worked perfectly! Highly recommend!"
"His sounds are amazing! Will definitely work with him again! "
"Bram is a total professional. He is very good at what he does. I'm always impressed with his work! "
"Excellent "
"Thank you to Elvire for providing great vocals, for being attentive to my requests, and making the process comfortable. I truly recommend Elvire! "