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Pocket 1 Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Ivano Giovedì - Freelance Sound Engineer, 48014 Castel Bolognesefavorite_borderfavoriteOver 16 years of experience in music production (recording, editing, mixing and mastering) through several musical genres and credits on major/indie label releases.
Im a Producer/Beat Maker from San Diego, CA. Iv'e worked with artists such as Wiz Khalifa, Yungeen Ace, Gucci Mane, Kid Ink, Eric Bellinger, Nipsey, & the list goes on. If you have any inquiries let me know & I’ll take care of you.
“This producer sticks out. Her downcast electronic soul has a pop edge but hidden depths, with the soft, lilting arrangements matched against her imposing, emotive voice. Lisa B's powerful songwriting seems to dwell on shadow, allusion.” – Clash Music (UK)
U need top services in mixing and/or mastering to make your sound better for the whole world? Than you´r right here! For more informations please contact us. We will respond in the next 2 working days.
Specialized in pop and electronic music, IZ is a music producer, mix/master engineer and songwriter. Having worked in the industry for over 6 years, he has collaborated and ghost-produced artists from labels like Warner, Universal, Spinnin' Records, Proximity and many more.
Highly experienced and versatile songwriter/topline artist/vocalist to help realize your musical vision!
Your music in any form within 7 days
Recent Successes
"Absolutely amazing to work with Brent! He has a great ear and is a thorough professional! He is also very patient and gives attention to details! Definitely recommend!"
"Kevin is magician. We felt like we had a good record to begin with, but Kevin showed us the full potential, clearly taking it to the next level. Wow! So talented!!"
"Daniel is a great engineer. He worked with me on every little detail and made sure the job was 100% done. Would definitely recommend to anyone."
"Very fast responses and I love the master he made for my song! I definitely recommend working with Jonathan."
"Grant recorded a harmony background vocal for me that was excellent. He has a great voice that he recorded perfectly and needed very little tweaking to sit in the mix. A true pro. Highly recommended."
"If you want very polish highly professional guitar work done, hands down- Aleonguitar is the best. He listens and delivers above and beyond. I can't wait to work with him again."
"Amazing voice and very easy to work with!"
"John really brought the funk and fun on this song! Such a great player."
"He was very professional, very nice and really talented like always, I am looking forward to doing another project with this person because the service was really good and I like it."