Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with PMJ
Introducing Stephanie Amber, the powerhouse vocalist and songwriter behind the acclaimed duo, Honey and Blue. Stephanie's studio finesse is remarkable, backed by over a decade of expertise in delivering impeccably polished lead vocals, intricately layered harmonies, and strong songwriting.
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Nick Tudgey is a Southampton based Session Musician, Audio Engineer and Producer.
Merciall Sound is a network of producers and composers.
Online Mixing/Mastering Engineer - Specialising in Pop & Rock. Previous credits include: Superlove, Novatines, Pentire, The Sweet, George Glew.
Oud player and Composer!
Hey, I'm Chanzie jones and my goal is to help you get a song that fits your voice and give you a boost in character the song might need. Specialize in hooks so I'll make your song pop without question. My advantage is that I give quality work quickly and will work with you to give you a satisfying taste of this skill.
Solotica Lenses
I can sing higher. No, higher.
Finalist on Postmodern Jukebox's search for the next PMJ Star will sing your demo or sync project!
Recent Successes
"I am so pleased with the work Death Beach did on my song. He turned a basic idea into an amazing track that exceeded my expectations. Will 100% work on future tracks with him."
"I worked with RAFA for 1 song from scratch (production, recording, mixing + mastering). The final mix of the song was not what I was expecting. Especially after hearing RAFA's work as DEMUR. The song we made just soun..."
"J.O.Y is a super talented singer and really got my ideas to life. - The vibe in his voice is amazing!! Really look forward to do more music with him soon!! "
"Myah is a legend and has been in the game for so long. She delivers quality and is so patient and understanding. Blessed to have gotten the opportunity to work with someone of her caliber!"
"Bill added pedal steel guitar to my song and the track blends with the song so well. A great traditional country sound that I needed for this tune."
"Phil puts his heart and soul into these projects we've worked on. Other great thing about working with Phil is he has 2 sons that are incredible musicians. Ollie on Guitar and Eddie on drums. They both have this i..."