Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pleasure Heads
40,000,000 + Streams. Songwriter / Producer with credits and plays on Lucifer (FOX), Champions League, Valentino SS17 Campaign, BBC Radio1, Triple J, KEXP, Europa League, SkyOne, E4.
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Musician, Recording Artist
going to be one of the greatest engineers ever
If you're after an electronic producer that has 8+ years of production skills, a Bachelor of Audio Engineering & Sound Production and want a song crafted just to fit your exact wants and needs (all in an extremely fast & efficient way whilst still maintaining a high level of quality) you've come to the right place.
I am a singer- songwriter and a self- taught engineer. I have been writing for over two years and have published 3 full length projects amongst a couple of singles which, are all on streaming platforms.
Have you ever heard of the term "rare, undiscovered, raw talent"? Yeah? Sooooo me.
Versatility, Top Notch Performance, Easy To Work With 😎 Producer / Musician / Sound Engineer - 30 years experience
I am Adryan, a passionate music producer dedicated to bringing your ideas to life through the production, mixing and creation of sounds, I'm based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I have been working for a long time, composing, producing and mixing, making backing tracks, and soundtracks, worship music "in the box". Let's make music together!
I produce alternative pop and psychedelic music primarily. I also create visuals and take artist photographs
Recent Successes
"2nd time with Austin, and really what can I say? He never makes you feel afraid to ask or push the limit. Really just the easiest guy I ever worked with! I'm looking forward to many more projects, currently in proc..."
"Really takes his time to make sure you are happy with the mix and it came out just how I wanted it. Definitely best of the best! "
"Another great project with Eileen. The vocals were spot on and exceeded expectations. She has great artistic interpretations that makes the music better than you could imagine. Great work!"
"Great mastering and very responsive!"
"5/5, this is our second time working together and I can’t believe how awesome our song is going to turn out!! Incredible vocals and songwriting. Thank you!!"
"Alexandre is an incredibly talented producer! His musical ear, hard work, and great communication will help take your project to the next level!"
"Victor was very professional through the whole process. Having a great set up like the one he has, with Kii's for referencing in a flat well treated environment, just adds to his expertise in the best way. The tracks..."
"It is a real pleasure to work with Alex. He did Mixing and Mastering on my latest song and as usual he delivered a great version. Did a revision quickly also. I will use Alex again for sure."
"Vargenta is amazing! I can't say enough nice things about him. I learn new things every session. He really enjoys music and his passion is infectious. If you want to level up your production, DEFINITELY work with this..."