Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Plano
Specializing in Pop, Angel Vergara is available to bring your productions to the next level with mixing and mastering.
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Grammy and Oscar nominated Mixing engineer from Turin, worked for several great artists such as Johann Johannsson, Dustin O'Halloran and freshly Grammy nominated Sebastian Plano.
Let's work together!!!
Estrategista Fonográfico (Label Manager), A&R, P&D, Dir. Artístico do Maior Festival de Música para artistas independentes do Brasil (Festival Brasil de todos os ritmos). Palestrante e autor dos Métodos CAP e STAR Canvas utilizados por gravadoras, empresários, agências e artistas em mais de 40 países.
Professional bassist with 23 years of career (and counting)... recording, touring, engineering, mixing... My band La Habitación Roja is a well known spanish rock band, a staple in most of the music festivals. Give to your songs some serious low end! ;)
Garantia de trabajo y confianza esas dos cosas me identifican para brindar despreocupación a la hora de trabajar, sin limites de reviosiones para mas confianza y seriedad. No dudes en consultarme animate a traer tu cancion y empecemos a trabajar juntos!
Sou cantor, compositor e engenheiro de mix, trabalho e estudo isso a 7 anos
EN - I've worked with Spain's legendary pop punk band Despistaos and have been producing pop punk since 2016. ES - He trabajado con la banda más relevante del pop punk español de los 2000: Despistaos. Produciendo este género desde 2016.
Soy amante de la musica en general, esa sensación que me hace tocar las estrellas a través del sonido es algo que puedo vivir día a día como productor musical.
Recent Successes
"Kristal took an average song and took it to a whole new level. She was great to work with, and her turnaround time was very fast. I'll definitely be working with her again!!!!"
"Good job as always! Thank you Martin))"
"Tom has the professional touch to bring your mix at his best level . I have never been disappointed, alway a real pleasure to work with him, he answers imediatly and he is flexible to tweak the sound as you want eve..."
"Wow... What a Drummer,what a crazy feel! Hugo was very quick through the whole procedure and the result was superb. I will definitely work again with you dude, thanks a lot! Cheers"
"Wow....Brittany delivered the tone I was looking for. Really put in some great work on my song. Will definitely be keeping her in mind for future projects. A++++. Thanks Brittany!!! "
"Rudiger crushes it again. I keep trying to throw him a curve, but he does everything great. A+"
"Super work as always mr.ho is highly recommended!"
"Elliot was super easy to work with, quick to respond, and really encouraging and enthusiastic throughout the whole process. He made my tracks sound awesome on top of all of that! Everything sounds amazing and he was a..."