Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with pilo bey bey
Hello, I’m Omar Ocean, a mixing engineer with over 15 years of experience and multiple awards. My passion is transforming recordings into unforgettable sonic experiences. I’ve refined my craft by blending classic techniques with modern technologies. My creative approach includes innovative elements while maintaining absolute focus on every detai
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Are you passionate about your music? You deserve to work with someone as excited about your creations as you are. Let me help you take your work to the next level with professional mixing & mastering services, tailored specifically to YOUR songs & budget. Having been a working musician for over 10 years, I know what you need to help you stand out.
Hi, I am an 18 year old mix engineer that is currently studying audio engineering. I also make old school hiphop beats. I have been passionate about audio for years now and would be happy to work with all types of artists to produce great music.
Freelance Producer, Songwriter @ Jonas Entertainment Group, Session Guitarist, Mixer, Multi-Instrumentalist, Addiction Sound Studios Nashville.
London based music producer and mix engineer with over 10 years professional experience - Ishani, Lefty, Just Jackson, Jamie Woon, Royce Wood Junior, Love Nor Money
My speciality is a 1-on-1 mentorship program. You can start lessons with me and we can make a 3 track EP together from start to finish and sign it to a TOP label! I can also provided you with new beats, song lyrics, and vocal stems. Check out my experience in the electronic music industry and get in touch if you are interested in collaborating.
Session Guitarist with enough production skills to turn a rough demo idea into a finished mix at the speed of light!
Hey! I'm a metal and electronic music producer with over 10 years of experience.
Recent Successes
"Besides having a beautiful voice, Zachary was completely professional and took direction well. He is very patient and made sure I was happy with what he would send me. He seemed very genuine about making sure I was ge..."
"Nice job. One of the more expensive mastering engineers on here..but WELL WORTH IT. I mean the guy makes mastering plugins.. so you can bet it will be quality work every time. Overall very happy with the communication..."
"Leandro is everything you look for in a perfect collaboration and more. His work ethic, phenomenal communication, creativity, detail, care, and dependability are off the charts! He is a genuinely kind person who is tr..."
"It was great working again with Ida. She was very professional and helped me a lot ç. Highly recommended!!"
"Delivered amazing high energy and catchy vocals. Professsional service and will use again!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Matt. He is a total pro. I could not be happier with how the drum track turned out. "
"Sparrow is the GOAT as usual. Honestly a life saver. So talented and the best human on earth"
"Always a pleasure working with S.one. Never disappoints and always brings my visions to life no matter what ideas I throw his way."