Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pile
With credits on acclaimed albums, I specialize in genre-blending soundscapes, shaping memorable sonic experiences. As a Madrid-based music producer and mix engineer, I offer genuine expertise and a commitment to innovation in every project.
I can bring energy and life to your music projects! No matter the genre, I can work with you to get make your music stand out and bring out all the details and emotional impact that a great mix can emphasize.
Remote and attended mastering by Amar Lal in Oakland, CA. Past credits include Pile, Titus Andronicus, Desaparecidos, Youbet, Patio, Ovlov. Stuck, and more. Projects have been released on labels such as Exploding in Sound, Hardly Art, Neurot, Bar/None, Fire Talk, Yellow K, Famous Class, Ruination and Joyful Noise.
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I love technology and music. A degree in Electronics Engineering From Thapar University, Patiala and another one in Audio Engineering from SAE, Oxford UK compile my academics. Specialities: Audio Production, Sound Designing, Music Composition, Deejaying, Management, Team building and collab, research.
"Do your best for the song"
Hi, I'm Tim! I record, perform, and program keyboards (synths, pianos, organs) for artists including Britney Spears, The Platters, Extra Lives (video game music), and Englebert Humperdinck. I would love to work with you and take your project to the next level!
Having worked with artists in a variety of genres including psychedelic rock, jazz, and pop, I bring a fresh perspective to each song or album I mix that will ensure your creation stands out and doesn't get lost in the ever-growing pile of music available to listeners these days.
From producing records that have been praised and reviewed in Spin + Pitchfork, to composing + producing music for major ad campaigns while creating a sonic identity for top brands and scoring indie films. I have an extensive amount of experience in many genres and production pathways.
With more than 6 mio. streams on my own artist project "Michael Hausted", and countless mio streams on the songs I've co-produced, co-written or vocaly featured - I promise to deliver high quality material every time.
Rachit Yadav is a Musical Artist, Songwriter, Composer, Producer, and World Record Holder from Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Multilingual singer and songwriter. 8 years experience in studio sessions and performing. Indie, Pop, Synthpop, Hyperpop, R&B. I can bring sweet vocals, creative lyrics and melodies to your song. I'm also capable of providing edited and compiled takes ready to be mixed.
Recent Successes
"What a pleasure! Working with Eileen is simple, fast and efficient. She listens to my ideas, creates, incorporate feedback, and finalize. I can really recommend working with Eileen."
"Krysta has one of the best voices I've heard, and she is a GREAT songwriter. You will not be disappointed. She is professional, and works very fast. Hire her!!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Denny. He was the first guy i work with here on SoundBetter and it was a great inspiring workflow. If someone looking for Singer/Songwriter with a nice tune in a voice, he is one of the ..."
"It’s always a pleasure working with Sefi. He’s the best in the business. I highly recommend him. "
"It took MAURZ once each time to provide Two great verses, dope guy to collab with, very versatile with his style. professional, easy to work with, communicative, you can tell he is serious about what he does and the w..."
"Elli from The-MPL created a stunning recording of my original composition. She listened to my comments, and applied them in the ultimate recording. I would definitely select The-MPL again for future projects. Extre..."
"Jonas is one of those rare drummers who really knows the genres he excels in, but has the musical chops to step outside of it in service of the song. This is why I work with him. I send him demos, some vague notes and..."
"Teo Gonzalez is an amazing music producer! He’s attentive, patient, and very polite. I’m a perfectionist, and Teo made sure I was happy with every detail of my song. He helped with a post-punk track and composed a bri..."