Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pieces of Rome
Experienced vocalist in many styles, have recorded and performed all around the world. At many high level events and recording settings.
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Sonik mastering provides high quality mastering for the digital domain aimed at musicians, producers, and independent labels.
As a producer, engineer, and musician, I've been involved in countless recording sessions that range from new independent artists recording singles, to globally-touring artists (including Alice in Chains, Halestorm, Mercy Me) cutting big records. This wide realm of experience has taught me skills that I use to turn artists' visions into reality.
I'm a music producer, songwriter/musician with 9 years of experience working in song creation process and audio engineering. I have produced/engineered works for Kevin Gates, America's Got Talent, and more. I do professional quality services in the areas of songwriting, music & audio production, audio editing, sound design for television & film.
I love working with developing artists to help them achieve their vision. Over 20M streams on songs I have worked on. New Music Friday (x2)
I'm african musician who plays several sets of percussion, mbira (kalimba), drum set and also provide arrangement and advisory as music director
Mixing and Mastering engineer, music producer. Sr Dinamita, Cristian Toro, Poulette, Vieja Rúa, Sebastian Cordova, etc.
academic sound engineer and musician. I study sound engineering and music composing at university. and now I study at music conservator. I can: songwriting classical music composing orchestration mixing and mastering recording acoustic guitar and bass guitar.
Recent Successes
"Trey is an Awesome person! Was very helpful when I needed some guidance on my music. I highly recommend him!-Chris H. : )"
"I've worked 2 times with SXYDRPS on my project and they are amazing ! They work quickly and, above all, make a great work on tracks with good ideas and sounds. Great ! "
"Once again Andres applied his established craft to polish and enhance my track in just the way I was expecting! This is my second track mastered my Andres and I definitely know ill be back with my album in the coming ..."
"We have just completed another project with Jazelle! She is a true professional and catch the idea perfectly! I would definitely recommend her to work with! Great professional!"
"Absolute pleasure doing work with!"
"Baylee recorded vocals for a song of mine, and she did a phenomal job :). She came up with great ideas based on initial lyrics, and hit it spot on :). I'll go with her again!"
"ALOU was so awesome to work with! He’s an amazing producer and I love the end product. I will definitely be working with him again in the future!"
"Fabian does a great job with an amazingly quick turnaround! He makes sure you’re happy with the results and makes sure your track is up to par with mainstream tracks! It’s always a pleasure to work with him!"