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Phoenix Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Creative music producer
I'm a producer, musician and artist from Copenhagen. I've been working with lots of different artist and i love to work with a song so that both melody, harmonics and productions, gets as good as possible. At the moment I'm working on my own project 'KIM' - a pop project where i'm both singing, writing and producing.
The Scrap, electronic music producer, beatmaker, composer and guitarist
We specialize in Recording with Real Instruments!
Composer for Media (video games & films/series) and Mixing Engineer.
I am a highly creative songwriter & vocalist, specialising lyrics & topline melodies. I have a big vocal range & the ability to cross genres easily. I also produce Afrobeats, pop, RnB, soul & atmospheric dream pop. As a artist from a young age, I am super versatile. Let's make a hit together :)
mixing and mastering engineer
Recent Successes
"Mariami brilliantly solved a significant musical challenge with these lyrics, giving the song a kick-butt melody concept and shape. YOU TOTALLY ROCKED THIS!"
"Sweet dude, super responsive and overall understanding and helpful. Helped me improve my song and as a producer "
"Alex and Valentin were great to work with. Even though we had to go back and forth a few times with changes, they were super patient and helpful!"
"What is there to really say? Zach is beyond talented and put the time and energy into the song like he was working with JT. Just an incredible experience through and through- couldn't ask for more. He's going places."
"Sensational, a spot on performance for me. His record speaks itself. But I really admired the way Yoed listened to everything I said to detail. "
"Joe always manage to get best result! phenomenal "