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Pedra Lavrada Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Eddy is a record producer, recording, mixing, and mastering engineer. He has a a Masters degree in "Music Technology" (New York University - NYU). Eddy offers all kinds of production/post-production services, and has collaborated with more than 300 artists throughout North and Latin America.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer with a modern and creative sound.
Grammy Award Winning mix engineer with a producer's sensibility for artists like Masego, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Yussef Kamaal, Ezra Collective, Kokoroko and many more.
Session drummer with 20+ years of experience who has collaborated with national and international artists, both in the recording studio and on tour. Such as: Daniela Spalla, Vanessa Zamora, Ruzzi, Y la bamba , Mamá TV, Ilse Hendrix, Erik Canales, Zuppi, Paulino Monroy, Ana Rizo.
Portuguese Double Bassist and composer based in NYC and Lisbon; more than 15 years of professional experience in bands: Jazz, Indie, Experimental. I want to bring your song to the highest level, putting my feel and knowledge into your musical vision. I have a grounded bass sound, I can improvise, read and bow since I'm classical trained as well.
I am a songwriter, graphic designer and a producer who is passionate about making beats, writing songs, singing, mixing, mastering, drawing, taking pictures and cleanliness from Limpopo. I started pursuing music path 2012 through my brother Morpheus, drawing in primary grade 5 and photography in 2012. I am the founder of Garlic Beats/Graphics.
Since 1994, the Czech Symphony Orchestra has been a leading provider of orchestra contracting services in Prague. With a legacy of musical excellence, we offer tailored ensembles for diverse projects, from chamber ensembles to grand orchestras with chorus.
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Recent Successes
"Wow! Gerard is first of all personable. He has a wealth of knowledge that will get you exactly what you are asking for and enlighten you on things you may not have considered thinking about. There is so much I could s..."
"Adam is professional, super talented, very efficient and prompt. He sent me multiple ideas I was able to work with. I'd definitely work with him again, and highly recommend! "
"Luke lent his incredible talent to another of my songs. Thing is... He learned it, composed for it and then executed his performance as if he had been playing my original since he was able to walk - impossible since ..."
"Wow wow wow. I don't even know where to begin. Giampaolo is an INCREDIBLE musician. He helped take my rough vocal demo and turn it into a full track. I've never been more excited about a song I've made. Not only that,..."
"Dani did an outstanding job on vocals for a country pop track. She gave the song the energy it needed, including delivering on a challenging full-step up modulation for the final chorus. I asked for some revisions and..."
"J did an excellent job mixing/producing my song. He is one of the nicest people you will ever work with and is very flexible and wants you to be happy with your song. He is also extremely responsive! Highly recommend!"
"Top arbeit von Sebastian. Immer wieder. Nur zu empfehlen"
"Best Composer and violinist you can work with. He is amazing at communication and always overs deliver. I have been collaborating with Nathaniel for 3 years now. He always gets it first try! I highly recommend."