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Pedra Lavrada Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hi there! I have crafted songs with and for P!NK, David Guetta, Kelly Clarkson, Celine Dion, and more. I am very versatile in the delivery of my vocals, from soul to pop, and theatre if requested. I gauge timelines and deliver work promptly and with everything needed to make it the best record possible. You will have neatly labeled and clean files
An experienced Audio Engineer with a strong passion for audio recording, mixing and mastering.
Versatile and genre-bending producer, engineer, and mixer. Head engineer and co-owner of Boston's famed Mad Oak Studios. Touring musician and session player.
I've played tabla for 20 years. I'm also a profession drummer who has toured with country artist Billy Joe Shaver 12 years and have played with singer-songwriters Alexi Murdoch and Matt Nathanson. I've also studied audio-engineering at Austin Community College and have a professional studio set-up in my home for good quality recordings.
I am a professional and studied music producer, composer & pianist, specializing in EDM / Pop / Dance music, have experience with music labels and have more than 500k streams on Spotify under my artist account. I already played at the North Sea Jazz Festival in 2019.
21 years old, over 2,000,000 plays in all digital platforms. i make pop songs with dark sounds and also with 80's stylish synths. Not a grammy nominee, but we can do this together. I love what i do and i do it for the living!
All round Sound Engineer and Music Producer. Mixed commercials for Tommy Hilfiger, Zalando and more Credited on released music as engineer, composer and musician Recorded and mixed over 20 podcast episodes for different shows
Recent Successes
"Rob was absolutely amazing, I will be returning to him for mixing and mastering in the future! He was timely and very responsive to my messages. My mix sounded so good! I couldn't be more pleased! I'd also like to..."
"Great man! All in time and the quality is amazing! Strongly recommend this guy =) "
"When I saw Jack's previous credits I knew that he was the right person to mix the particular record I was working on, so I only contacted him and he didn't disappoint! I can't believe that through this platform you c..."
"Wes has provided nothing short of an amazing service. Not only was he clear in details on what to expect and how he goes about his mastering, but he was always ready to answer every question.Wes was always quick to an..."
"Ryan is great! Professional and super quick. highly recommend "
"Working with Ezequiel was a great experience! An excellent trumpet player with beautiful tone and timing -- great feel. Very fast turnaround! I highly recommend him!"
"the best engineer mixer for me :) the music is perfect for me thank you bro"
"Damien worked extremely hard and provided a great product. He's very pleasant and great at what he does."
"Stephen Carey is your guy! Awesome track, and sooo easy to work with. His guitar riffs put a cherry on top of an already delicious delivery. My song was a light-hearted, feel good, redneck song, & everyone who hears h..."
"Yuuki did a great job with our track! He was very chill, and willing to try any note we had for revisions, and most importantly our track sounds and feels right. Looking forward to working with him more."