Pedal Steel in Tyler
Lifelong musician Bryan Daste is maybe best known as a pedal steel guitarist, but also specializes in clawhammer banjo, upright bass, and backing vocals. Also a talented recording engineer and producer, Daste is as skilled as he is versatile. "Bryan Daste seems to be able to play just about anything he wants to" - Joe McSpadden,
Tasteful overdubs for country, folk, indie rock, and experimental projects. Pedal Steel, Dobro, Banjo, Lap Steel Guitar, and Bass. I'm a mixing engineer, too.
I'm a session guitarist and vocalist located in East Texas. I'd love to collaborate and deliver what you need for your project!
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Swell Audio is your go-to for top-notch music mixing, mastering, and DDP authoring services. Our skilled engineers use a Hybrid of Analog and digital tools and techniques to bring your music to life. Trust us to deliver a sound that meets your artistic vision and technical requirements. Contact us today to learn more!
Hello my name is Adrian. I'm an audio engineer based out of Houston, TX.
Multi-Genre Vocalist/Musician, I've worked with producers and engineers globally to rack up millions of streams. I can write top line melodies, harmonies, adlibs, lyrics and record high quality vocals with award winning gear. Bringing a track to life with vocals is my passion and I cant wait to work on your music!
Inactive Account
Jonathan has been singing sense he was 9, a singer/songwriter born in Goiania, Goias, Brazil. He lives in the USA and is a United States Citizen. Jonathan Oliveira born in 1991, loves to sing! Started out listening to Britney Spears and ended up being inspired by Demi Lovato and Leona Lewis..
Need a quirky unique or different Alternative/R&B song, concept or creative Director? Im here Have an instrumental and you need Lyrics? lets work together I can transform you or your clients beat single or album.
Hi! I'll help shaping your own sound! Do you want me to mix and master your production? Well, that's why I'm here for. I can also help producing... Hope to talk to you soon :)
I am a Singer/writer & producer, and I want to help you make an amazing record. I deliver high-quality beats and remote production to succeed goals of clients on this creative planet. Together, we can put that life in your creations. Let's make something awesome together! R&B | HipHop | House | Afrobeat | Funk | Pop | .
Recent Successes
"Daniel was a pleasure to work with. I gave him a demo of a song and he totally transformed it into something great. He is clear, precise, and honest with his communication. He laid out exactly what he intended to do t..."
"Very professional musician.He delivered more than expected from him.Recommend him to every producer out there."
"Another Great Experience with Mr.H ---- Highly Recommended!"
"Professional, friendly, and knowledgeable of his craft. Adam is a real pleasure to work with and did a fantastic job. I'm looking forward to doing more songs with him."
"Arthur is a standup guy and is able to seamlessly navigate the big picture and the details at the same time. Definitely want to work with him more. "
"First time with Kate, and obviously note the last. She's perfect. Her voice is clear and strong. She's very nice and respected all that i asked. Thanks again Kate !"
"Mechi is a true professional with an amazing voice.Also, she can give your work great ideas! Highly recommend"
"So it's one thing when a musician is gifted at their instrument and it's a whole other thing when they have a brilliant imagination. Joe has both those in boat loads. He builds beautiful worlds and hooks in truly uniq..."
"Bram is a fantastic mastering engineer! He nailed my track on the first version, opened up the entire spectrum, pushed it to a super-high performance, really understood the emotional direction the song was going for. ..."