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Paranavaí Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Myung has been working in the music business for +7 years as a professional engineer / producer. His works have helped artists join renowned labels such as Sony, Artist Intelligence Agency, EDM.COM, Armada, and many more.
Music Producer , Sound Engineer, Composer and Re-mixer
I've worked with many of the industry's top talents as either their producer, engineer or songwriter. Some of those talents include Maroon 5, Hit-Boy, Stacy Barthe, The Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra, K$upreme, 4PF The Label, Bando Pop, Mark Battles and I even share a number 1 Spotify album with Dave Mac
I will help you create & make your music push it to the best possible level, without neglecting any detail.
Basically working on my own music. Just started building my resume
Specializing in Zydeco, Cajun, Country, Folk, Americana Accordion
Singer-songwriter and session vocalist/guitarist with multiple self-releases. My goal is to transform in music your feelings and to get into people's soul.
Music Producer , Sound Engineer based in Montreal
Recent Successes
"Breana is a great topline writer . She's very talented and professional .Her voice added the magic sound I needed for my song. Looking forward to working with her again. Maximum rate !😀😀😀😀😀"
"Jimmy is one of the most prepared interpreters that I’ve worked with throughout my career as a producer. His performances are absolutely precise, his voice very moving, his ideation and harmonisation of choral parts a..."
"Eileen was very easy to work with. She quickly delivered great quality vocals. She worked on all my feedback and gave me exactly what I wanted."
"Ivo was exceptional to work with! Very impressive, he managed to encapsulate the right kind of sound I was hoping for. Even some slightly odd timing and rhythm I'd requested was captured, in fact everything was played..."
"In this project it was Stem mixing&mastering to finish a song. Alex did his job great (as always) and brought out the instruments and voices as I imagined."
"KNVWN has quickly become one of my favorite artists, singers and vocalists that I've ever worked with. She is easy to communicate with, easy to work with, and just delivers the absolute best quality to projects. I'm l..."
"Amazing work as usual, always appreciate his attention to detail and willingness to go beyond expectations!"