Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Palma Sonido
Guillermo Andrés Ogalde Glúzman, better known as Goy (sometimes Guille or Goy Karamelo) is a singer, DJ, composer, instrumentalist, engineer, plastic artist, poet, writer and producer. Argentine musical with more than 400 albums. He is also the operator and ideologue of the Kangrejoz Records label. Premio Gardel 2023 & Cultural Embassy of Mendoza.
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// DISTORT EVERYTHING // turning knobs since 2005...
Dedicated and open-minded music creator with aesthetic flexibility and great ideas
Music is a art, Art is my fire. I Produce for anyone with a passion. I've made beats for Sidflex from Stonned Eye Motion Picture. Music loops 'House in the Sky Games'. I'm also working with South Texas Music Productions on a Film, called, 'Beyond the Mist: Lost years of King Arthur. as well as make intros and ambiance for several youtubers.
Professional touring singer/songwriter based out of London, from East European origin. I am lead vocalist with my band who have produced and released two successful albums. We've played throughout Europe including Download, Glastonbury, Reading & Leeds, and supported Deftones in Hellfest.
I am not a Grammy-nominated producer. However having previously been a signed artist, I am someone who understands the importance of having people invest in your music to get the best out of you, and best of out of the track - and not compromising until it's what you imagined.
Live Audio Engineer gone studio. Don't tell my coworkers. If you need someone with a unique perspective, or an unrivaled work ethic to complete your project, I'm right here
If you have any music and want to turn it into piano music, I'll be glad to help!
Allround experienced drummer for your tracks! Endorser for multiple renown drum brands. Touring drummer, studio drummer.
Recent Successes
"Ben Davies exceeded my expectations. He was a pleasure to work with and made the whole process a joy. He is certainly a proficient musician and producer. I highly recommend him. "
"This was my second project working with TONYB. No doubt he always surprises me with amazing vocal tracks! No regret if any of you choose him for your new track!"
"Wonderful as always. We made already some songs together and everytime it's perfect."
"I’ve worked with Lucas for almost 10 years and am always astounded with the care and expertise he brings to a project. He has the skill of a seasoned session player with the ear and decisiveness of a producer. His arr..."
"Absolutely fantastic working with Aspecte. He was so patient with me with all the tweaks I wanted to make and delivered very quickly. I can't wait to work with him again! Very professional and very talented! "
"Zoltan did a great job on my track. He's very responsive to messaging and the parts were awesome. Will definitely hire him again"
"William's a great interpreter of the meaning of a song and as far as song structure, lyrics, and melody, he always knocks the ball out of the park! I truly enjoy collaborating with William and have done so many times..."
"It's always amazing to work with Marcello, incredible bass and drums, and the piano is soooooooooooooo good!!!!!!! Mixing was also incredible!!"