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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pajel
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Hello, I'm Cooper I've been mixing for 10 years and mastering for 3 years. I studied at Media Tech Houston and I'm looking forward to working with you.
My name is Keith and I’m a mixing engineer based in Dublin, Ireland. I’m passionate about what I do and I offer my services to bands and artists around the world. Mixing is my passion and I take great pride in what I do. I put the same energy, attention-to-detail and dedication into every project I work on. I’m here to help you make a great record.
Our mixing services are available whether you record with us, or not. From Rock to Folk and EDM, all of your tracks deserve the creative finishing our Audio Engineer strives to deliver on every song.
Vilma Gustavsson, 19 y/o. Recently started posting covers on youtube. Very new to this website soo..
Shana B pushes boundaries and mesmerizes the crowd to show the world that thick woman of color can achieve anything with determination, faith, consistency, and hard work.
Rock'nRoll Music Art
I amateurly write Diss tracks and I do it for free, so if there is no gain, there is no loss ;)
Axiom Records is the production company started by Michaela Muro. Certified in Audio Production from Wilson Technological Institute. Logic Pro X based, and willing to mix, master, and produce tracks for a multitude of genres.
Recent Successes
"Scott is fast and a great mixinig engineer! Used him a couple of times now with a tight deadline and he delivers everytime! Can highly recommend Scott. "
"Aside from providing the poetic inspiration for this song, Ben merely played a role as multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and producer. That's all. Take away his effort and you still have... lyrics. Thank you for shoul..."
"Outstanding job. I can't say enough how great the mix was. I will be back soon."
"Guys, don't hesitate 1 sec more to work with him : Philip is THE MAAAN, He is just amaaazing!! He understood everything I wanted (better than me even^^) and delivered something I couldn't imagine better!! He's also ve..."
"Great experience working with Paul! Very talented, easy-going & direct communication. Delivered me everything I needed and more! I'm looking forward to working with him again soon & I highly recommend him!"
"For years (decades) musician like guitar players (or other musician not in " le secret des muses") have been waiting for getting access to strings ... string quartet in particular (it becomes a fashion to have - how ..."
"Always a sweet mix!"
"Thank you for making every project sound so polished and professional. Your work consistently exceeds expectations. Topper!"
"Aria is an absolute boss. Brought the heat with the vocals and was a phenomenal communicator. Couldn't have asked for a better experience."