Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Painted Black
Professional drummer & percussionist, teacher, composer and touring musician. Master's Degree in Music Education. Session musician with 15+ years of experience, recorded and released more than 20 albums.
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Welcome to Wanalog Studios !
Analog Sound Digital mind!
Versatile engineer with Bachelor's Degree in Music and over 20 years of experience engineering, playing instruments, and teaching. Cast and recorded the voice of Baby Shark and others for Pinkfong YouTube videos. Number 1 Audiobook on Amazon. Ran sound at NASA event where students interviewed an astronaut on the International Space Station.
Hi I'm Miranda! Here's a little info about me: Featured writer on NBC's Songland. Recent work with Bella Poarch, Kelsea Ballerini, Bülow, ITZY, Brynn Elliot, Noa Kirel, Usher, G-East, Ryan Tedder. Writer/Singer on songs by R3HAB "We Do", Rynx "Want You", LIONE "Kids", Cat Dealers "Seatbelt" Over 75m combined streams
i can make beats for anyone and rap about anything
Mastering by a real human. 10+ years experience working on music, videos, podcasts, and more.
Seeking pro opportunities in live music, studio sessions, and cover bands to further develop my career in the music industry.
Recent Successes
"Once again Brandon has exceeded by expectations and delivered a vocal performance that represents the song even better than I imagined! I’ve worked with lots of talented singers on SoundBetter; but for male country v..."
"Great stuff!"
"She knows exactly what the music needs, and delivers immaculate audio files, all ready to drop perfectly into the project! I will be using KNVWN many more times in the future!!!"
"Tim is an A-list vocalist who goes above and beyond to deliver the perfect vocal. He sings with an AWESOME tone that is very much in line with many popular major label artists. The song Tim recorded for me was parti..."
"Juan is the best of the best. Gave me a pumping Ska beat with the classic sound, just as imagined. A very musical drummer, who mixes real power with sensitivity and finesse. "
"Andres is absolutely worthy of every dollar he charges and even more. Crystal clean mastering with great precision on the high end. Would definitely recommend him."
"Gerard is second to non. He's the best thing that ever happened to me in music business. He's a humble Top professional sound mixing and mastering engineer and producer. I recommend every serious artist and musician t..."
"Etienne is hands down the most infectiously positive and inspirational mixing, mastering and production person I have worked with in my entire 20+ years making music. I do bit know what I did right in life to have met..."
"This is my maybe 4th time working with Daniel. Again, best work... HE IS THE BEST!!!"
"Another incredible job by Daniel, the attention to detail and ability to take the song to it's highest level, i am always super happy with how things turn out. Simply amazing! Thank you Daniel! "