Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Pablo Figueroa
Producer, Writer & Beatmaker, Reggaeton, R&b, Indie, Pop, Trap, Hip Hop, Rap.
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// Promise #1: I will not allow mediocrity to pass through my studio unchecked. If your chorus needs to be better, we will make it better. If your playing needs to be tighter, we will work until it is. If your lyrics need more emotion...you get the picture // Promise #2: we will have an absolute blast accomplishing Promise #1
If you need french lyrics for rapper, RnB and pop singer or a french rapper on your tracks I can write you great lyrics and tight flows. I got 20 years of experiences in writing and recording.
I can become a "Ghost"
Indie producer and song writer, sounding like the rawness and simplicity of Nirvana, the textures and atmosphere of Boards of Canada, mixed with the synth-pop of Robyn.
I'm Artist & Freelance Journalist. I Have A Platform on YouTube, Website,Twitter, etc. Mission Ki Awaz.
Multi- genre music producer at your service. i also can engineer and mix records. My goal is to be one of the greatest music producers ever. Similiar to Kanye West, Pi'erre Bourne, Monte Booker, Madlib, MF DOOM, and more.
Recent Successes
"I'd like to commend Dan for his professionalism, excellent work and great deal of patience with my picky ass! I look forward to working with him again! Dan is the MAN!"
"Mike was a real pleasure to work with, went beyond the call and delivered 13 tracks of glorious sassy brass. Would completely recommend Mike Snow and we would love to use him again!"
"Heidi was so lovely to work with, super professional and really listened to the type of direction I gave for where I wanted the song to head. "
"Holly did an amazing job on my NU Funk tune! A total pro and such an incredible voice! Super fast turn around! I look forward to working with her in the future!"
"Rodrigo helps me so much so as to put mu track in the right direction, this man is so talented & attentive with the requests. I would say : work with him ! "
"It was a pleasure working with Laura. She's incredibly professional, quick to respond and turn high-quality work around, and has a fantastic voice! I highly recommend her :). Thank you again, Laura! "