Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with oneblood
I can do anything for you but I can guarantee you will be the happy end of the day. Communication comes first.
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Hi there! My name is Oren Galiki, and I'm a Music Producer, Composer, Mixer and owner of a home recording studio.
Pro Session Drummer Tarik Ghiradella has become highly sought after in the recording studio. His Solid feel and flexible style make him a fun and easy drummer to work with. Tarik is precise, energetic and versatile. His talent, ability, musicality and genuine enthusiasm for life and music has made making records a true pleasure.- James Lugo
24 hour turn around on all projects! Preview your finished product before payment. Will edit to your liking. Looking for long lasting clients. Any genre have worked in all kinds of music from country to metal.
I want to provide you with the sound you hear in your head. Nailing the tones and parts that will make your song come to life is my main goal, whether it's live drums, percussion, or programmed drums.
My favorite thing in the world is to mix. I wake up thinking about it, I daydream about it, doing it during the day and Dreaming about it at night. I’m fortunate enough to work with Major Israeli artists and can’t wait to work also with international artists!
Umur Anil Gokdag on DSPs
Hey there! Your favorite bilingual singer-songwriter and latin artist based in Miami, FL. I am a versatile vocalist, with an unequivocal talent for improvising. I have the ability to work in any genre, both in English and Spanish and have 7 years of experience performing live and in studio.
Recent Successes
"Wes, an amazing songwriter and a very good person fast worker as he promises, i am soooooo happy about my product and something i proudly can represent just like i wanted it :P"
"Awesome job! He captured the essence of the song perfectly.....great, fun sound! I'm a repeat customer working with Adam and would love to work with him again on future projects!"
"Amazing artist, talented rapper, top lyrics, super communication skills!!!"
"Great sound and performance!!!! Thank you!!"
"ALOU crushed it! He immediately saw what was needed to take the track to a whole new level. Pleasure to work with. New project already underway!"
"Belle did a great job and put a lot of effort into what she did. I heard something special in her voice and I'm glad I hired her. The proof is in the pudding, and my track definitely reveals that!"
"It's always great to work together with Chris. Of course I will keep working with him :-)"
"Israel is a total pro. His recordings sound great. He has a positive, let's get it done attitude. He worked hard to provide exactly what I wanted and delivered a great production. Israel is now one of my "go-to" guys!..."
"Austin is such a pro! He’s so easy to work with and has the expertise to take your song to the next level! If you have the chance to record vocals with him in Nashville it’s worth it too he has a great set up! Definit..."